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Malformed URL?

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    Malformed URL?

    I have an almost identical problem opening boot files as sudo for editing.
    On the first attempt I get the 'malformed URL' message.
    Second time around the file opens properly!

    Re: Malformed URL?

    What program are you using when you get the message "Malformed URL file:///home/user". Are you right clicking on the file in Konqueror and using the "edit as root" option? Are you using the "Run Command" from the desktop, with the command "kdesu <my-editor> <my-file>"? Or, are you using "sudo <my-editor> <my-file>" from a Konsole? Do you get the same error message under any other circumstances? If so what are they?


      Re: Malformed URL?

      Thank you for the reply.
      I am using /boot/grub/, right clicking on menu.lst.
      Then 'edit as root'.

      Message: Malformed URL.

      Repeat step - no error message. File opens.
      Thereafter files open without the error unless I let sufficient time pass between opening attempts.


        Re: Malformed URL?

        If "sufficient time" is on the order of 15 minutes, this may have something to do with sudo, which is initially set in Kubuntu to allow root commands for 15 minutes before repeating a request for the user's password. On the other hand, the error message seems to indicate a problem in KDE, specifically Konqueror. The obvious intersection of these two programs is Kdesu which is the KDE wrapper for Sudo. There has been some discussion (although I can't quite remember where) to the effect that Kdesu is not as sturdy as it should be. That said, I can't remember ever having a problem with it myself, or even seeing reports of problems with it on this site.

        I have two additional questions, (which does not imply that I know what I'm talking about). First, does the error message occur before or after kdesu has asked you for your password? Second, which file does it say has the malformed url?


          Re: Malformed URL?

          It occurs after kdesu.

          It does not appear to be file specific. However, I have observed it only when I attempt to open files in the /boot/grub directory - and only when the file is to be opened after kdesu.
          The very same file will open just fine for 'user'.


            Re: Malformed URL?

            Have you actually tried to edit files as root in any other directory, e.g. fstab in /etc/ or xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ ?


              Re: Malformed URL?

              Yes. fstab - error; xorg.conf - error.

              Other files in /etc (mtab, wvdial) - no error.

              Coming back to /etc from excursion into other subdirectories: Error 'malformed URL' occurs again.

              It appears that after the initial failure (malformed URL) files open properly as root for as long as I open files in a rather quick succession. If any length of time elapses between openings (but less than 15 minutes) the error occurs.

              It is almost as if kdesu does not catch on the first try but then takes hold on the second and subsequent.

              It's kind of erratic.


                Re: Malformed URL?

                I doubt that kdesu has to be called twice before it does its thing, even if it seems that way. I'm more inclined to think it may have something to do with group membership and perms. All of the files you mentioned should be root root rw-r--r-- ,except possibly /etc/wvdial.conf (which is root dialout rw--r----- on my system). That means that sudo (or kdesu) should allow you to modify them as if you owned them, because once you enter your password, you do.

                Does your /etc/sudoers file say anything other than "root<tab>ALL=(ALL) ALL" and, possibly, the same thing for members of the admin group? (You need sudo to even READ the sudoers file, for obvious reasons.)


                  Re: Malformed URL?

                  The files mentioned have root-root ownership except wvdial, which has root - dialout.

                  Sudoers has "root<tab>ALL=(ALL) ALL" only; also for admin group.


                    Re: Malformed URL?

                    I have run out of ideas, I'll let you know if I think of anything else that could be causing your problem.


                      Re: Malformed URL?

                      Thank you for your time, your effort and your ideas.
                      Learned a few things along the way.

                      I will also look for an explanation and, if I find one, post it here.

                      Thanks again.

