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Re-Installing Windows?

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    Re-Installing Windows?

    So, I've had Kubuntu running fine for a while... With XP running secondary... (First off, LOVE IT!!! 'cept for the things that bother

    Anyways... I've decided to switch over completely, and Use Kubuntu as my main OS... But I want to keep windows around for games, etc.

    As I've said, I've been running XP, and I've decided, for better or worse, that I want to downgrade to 98 (less system hoggage and drive space, really) I may regret it later, but thats okay, I have 'em both, so I can always go back...

    Here's my issue: I'm going to format/erase the XP install, and install 98 over it. Will this not over write the MBR and boot strictly to Windows? Or will the Grub just replace the option for XP for 98?

    Will this mean I have to re-install Kubuntu? (I suppose I could, as it went clean and smooth the 1st time around, but what a pain in the arse...)

    Any ideas? If the MBR does change, how do I go about re-installing the GRUB loader to get my Kubuntu back?

    Does this make any sense? lol


    Re: Re-Installing Windows?


    In fact, installing any windows will always erase the mbr and install the one of windows instead. The solution is to use this :

    Hope it helps.

