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rpm & dependencies

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    rpm & dependencies

    I am trying to install a rpm package onto Kubuntu but get a failed dependencies error. I understand the error and know i need to install the files but am not quite sure where to find them. For example one of the files needed is called "", by searching on something called an "rpmmirror" on the net i think i have found that this file in contained within the "glibc" library so i need to install that, is this correct? Also what is the easy way for finding where these files are? Surely i do not need to search for every one at the rpm mirror.
    As the above will maybe indicate i am very new to linux so please keep any answers fairly simple.
    Many thanks, Hiro.

    I have now discovered (i think) that glibc is part of the libc (libc6?) library but both adept and synaptic tell me that library is already installed (version 2.3.60Oubuntu20) so now i am even more confused. BTW i have also done a full upgrade in case some of my files were too old but that did not help.
    Any ideas anyone?

    Re: rpm & dependencies

    If you tell us what rpm package you are trying to install, maybe we can direct you to a more compatible package. As different Linux distros can use different library versions and locations, converting an RPM to a deb is not always going to work.


      Re: rpm & dependencies

      The package is winamp the mp3 player, i know linux already has a good mp3 player but i just fancied a look. The file is Winamp-0.a1-1.i386.rpm.
      Things have moved on a little since last night, instead of trying to rpm the file i used a program called alien to convert it to a deb file and then used dkpg to instsall that. The installation appeared to go ok, there were no error or dependecy messages but it has not installed and after reading the man pages for dpkg i cannot find a verbose option to tell me what is going on.
      However i did find a --info switch which appears to list the dependency packages rather than individual files. i will now check they are all installed before trying again. Got a few jobs to do first so will post results tonight unless anybody can offer any other help. Hiro.


        Re: rpm & dependencies

        1. Are you sure it isn't installed? Sometimes packages don't put a launcher in can try starting it from the command line (or with Alt+F2). I assume it can be started with 'winamp' command, but I don't use it so can't tell for sure.

        2. If you like the looks of winamp, 'xmms' is a very winampish player with theme support, and available straight from the ubuntu can learn more about winamp from

        IMO Amarok can wipe the table with both winamp and xmms, but of course it's your opinion that counts


          Re: rpm & dependencies

          I am currently using xmms and think it good. i was just trying to install winamp for a look but also just to see if i could. I have had this problem and presume i will have it with whatever software i try to install, is this wrong? How often are dependencies a problem? I am new to linux and with windoze there are no such problems. If you get a dependency problem how do you sort it out. Where do you find the files you need? Why is the install calling for files which seem to already be installed in the latest versions?
          I have just tried the mplayer.rpm and it has the same problem, a huge failed dependencies list! How hard is it to install a simple package to linux
          Please help!!!


            Re: rpm & dependencies

            mplayer is available from the repositories and is very simple to install.

            Try Synaptic Package Manager rather than Adept - it is much better
            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Re: rpm & dependencies

              Checked both adept and synaptic but neither of them list mplayer for install even after updating the lists. Am i possibly using the wrong repositories? I looked in synaptics repository list and of the 12 listed only 6 are enabled, should i enable the rest or are there some more i need to add manually?
              Also still looking for an answer on the dependencies thing if anyone knows.
              Cheers, Hiro.


                Re: rpm & dependencies

                well the linux winamp package is oooollllllddddd (2001) and was considered alpha-quality and it won't work, unless you can somehow get hold of the source code The deps it is missing are very outdated linux-wise.

                For adding repositories:
                You have added Universe by enabling the disabled repos, but adding multiverse will add some more applications, etc.

                Also be sure to refresh/reload after editing the repository list.


                  Re: rpm & dependencies

                  Managed to add new repositories and found mplayer on the list and asked it to install but it said it was "unable to install libggi2" as one of the dependencies but did not say why. Could not find that file on the list and could not find a deb or rpm file on the net but found a source file.
                  Did a "./configure" as instructed in a tutorial i found and got "error: C compiler cannot create executables"
                  I beginning to think it is actually impossible to install new packages on linux.
                  Are all distros like this?


                    Re: rpm & dependencies

                    do you have both universe and multiverse on the same line? It should look similar to this, the relevant line is the last one

                    ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'
                    ## repository.
                    ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
                    ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
                    ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
                    ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
                    ## team.
                    deb [url][/url] dapper universe multiverse
                    then save, reload/fetch updates and it should be there. Mplayer is in Multiverse and the libggi2 is in
                    Universe so make sure you have both enabled.

                    If you are using synaptic, do enable all the disabled repositories, but make sure the ones that hve "universe" in the "section" block have "universe multiverse".

                    If you use Adept, just make sure you have both Universe and multiverse as per the instructions in the link I posted earlier (so it looks like my paste above)


                      Re: rpm & dependencies

                      Ha! who said linux was hard to use? Its only taken me 5 days to install one package! Many thanks to all who helped especially claydoh for your patience. I had changed all the sections that read universe to read multiverse universe but there were two that were mutiverse already and of course i hadn't added the universe to them and that is where the libggi2 files were lurking.
                      Next i need to find some codecs as mplayer does not play all my videos, then i need to rip cd's, download torrents, rip dvd's, stream from the internet to mp3 file, convert audio file formats, burn cd's/dvd's, burn iso files then i should be able to dump windoze.
                      I guess i may need some help with the above at some point so please keep up the good work. Hiro.


                        Re: rpm & dependencies

                        For codecs, this link is the one that will show you what to install, and where to get them if they are not part of any repositories

                        k3b burns iso images and create cd/dvd's
                        ktorrent for torrents
                        kaudiocreator for ripping
                        These are already installed

                        streamripper records audio streams (and there is a script you can install from Amarok to use streamripper from there

                        DVD::Rip sorta explains itself

                        So there is a start for you. If you search or browse in Adept or synaptic, you will find often a wide variety of tools and applications do do these things and more, though I won't say how they compare to Windows. I have never burned or created a DVD in windows, nor edited video there, for example.

                        But I have used Ktorrent to download tv episode torrents, convert the avi's to mpeg using Avidemux, and created a dvd using ManDVD, and burned the dvd using k3b. ManDVD is the only program not in the repos, though. there are other dvd creation apps in there though.

                        Good luck and do definitely feel free to rack our brains for info as needed

