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How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

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    How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

    I like to use Limewire for Linux.

    But I can't get it to install without KPackage Mgr,
    So I downloaded KPackage with Adept, Went to Run Command typed in KPackage, brought up KPackage.

    Found the rpm program needed by KPackage to run the installer for Limewire.

    It told me requires /root privledges, typed in my password, Told me it wouldn't install because I didn't have /root privledges.

    I had this Prob once before with another KDE based distro, I tried what I'd done with it, Borke any installer that comes with Kubuntu, including Adept.

    I had to do a reinstall. >

    Anybody have any Idea how I CAN make a seperate /root Login Account with Kubuntu?

    If anyone could it would HELP me with a couple of other Install Probs I'm having as well, Thanks So much in advance.

    I wasn't sure if I'm Posting this in the right Pl;ace, feel free to move it if need be.

    Re: How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

    Might do you some good to read the whole page as a root is not needed.
    Kubuntu 18.04 on AMD


      Re: How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

      Originally posted by otisklt

      Might do you some good to read the whole page as a root is not needed.
      Thanks as you suggested I read the whole Page, and I'll try "ALL" of the Ideas on the page.
      Starting with the Most Secure first.
      But at least it's something to Chew on for awhile.


        Re: How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

        Originally posted by otisklt

        Might do you some good to read the whole page as a root is not needed.
        OK I've finally got it to run the installer correctly using the /root shell.
        It all installed fine into /usr/local/games/quake4.

        But here's the problem. that NO ONE seems to be able to tell me how to get around.

        When I go to copy the pak files needed to get Quake4 to run full version.

        Into /usr/local/games/quake4 baseq4 folder it still tells me I don't have write permissions to this folder.

        Even if I leave the shell up.

        And it won't even let me delete the folder for the same D#$ reasons, NO /root privledges...

        NOW WHAT!!! the installed linux version is USELESS, without the additional pak files...


          Re: How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

          if you start konqueror with:
          kdesu 'konqueror --profile filemanagement'
          You get the file manager with root privileges (so you can do anything)

          NOTE 1: Be careful when in root mode, you can hose your system if you're not careful (accidentally removing system folders etc.)
          NOTE 2: Things 'moved to trash' in root mode will go into the root's trashbin instead of the user bin, so if you wish to empty it to save space you can find the bin under /root/Desktop...right-click on the trashbin will give you an option to empty it.


            Re: How do you Setup /root Login Acct n So I can use KPackage?

            Originally posted by kubicle
            if you start konqueror with:
            kdesu 'konqueror --profile filemanagement'
            You get the file manager with root privileges (so you can do anything)

            NOTE 1: Be careful when in root mode, you can hose your system if you're not careful (accidentally removing system folders etc.)
            NOTE 2: Things 'moved to trash' in root mode will go into the root's trashbin instead of the user bin, so if you wish to empty it to save space you can find the bin under /root/Desktop...right-click on the trashbin will give you an option to empty it.
            THANKS' I'll give a try here in a few.
            And post back to let you know how it goes...

