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how do you dual boot?

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    how do you dual boot?

    How do you set up this type of Linux on a dual boot because I want to keep windows as well so I can use programmes and games that linux doesn't support, thanks in advance.

    Re: how do you dual boot?

    easily, in fact this was one of the easiest thing to do on a good linux distro. with Kubutnu, and ubutuntu, you need to manually edit the partations (other wise it will just take over the largest partition on the hard drive and format it) resize the windows partation, to what ever, i recomend give ubutnut at least 15 gig (gives room to play, install random little programs to screw with, have music and video) then after resizing the windows partion selcet creat new with the remaining space, i would leave an extra gig off for the swap partion (in windows this was virtual memory, but in linux it is a seperate partion, less screw ups that way). make that partition either reiserfs or jfs (never tried any others there, but those two work), next it will ask you what partitions to set what mount points at, ok fair enough, find the partition you just made for your new llinux to go on, (you can tell by volume space) set the one you want ubunu/kubuntu on to the moutn point / now the swap partion you need to set to moutn point swap, make sure the and you can remove the other partitinos from the que by where it asks what partitions in the little box, to blank, (don't worry when you are looking at it you will see what i'm saying alot better, great thing is you can install this while browsing the web), it may give an error if you don't set the mount points to blank too for the ones you have no partition select (funny error, if i remember right it did that) but thats all it takes, i know i type a bit but its fast its graphical, and it sets it up for you, you just need a push in the right direction, and it explains itself really


      Re: how do you dual boot?

      that went right over my head, any chance you could put it into steps, e.g. Step 1 do this, Step 2 do that etc. it's easier for me to digest like that. thanks


        Re: how do you dual boot?

        sorry, for the cluttery way i put it, i think like that

        anyways step one would be boot from the ubuntu disk you want to install from

        step two goto the desktop (i bet you've gotten this far easily, i would hope so)

        step three, click intsall

        step four .... tell it that you want to manually set up the partition (partitions if you don't know are sections on the disk to make it act like there is more then one, i mean there is more to it then that but thats the basic idea)

        step five..... resize the windows partition you intend on keeping, make sure that you have (i would say like at least 15 gigs, for ubuntu, i have 25 for it but tahts just me)

        step six...... (sorry but i'm a visual person, if you were right there along following my clutter of thought as you were trying to do it you might get it, i'm bad at insctructions for some reason, but a good leader, confusing) Ok here you need to creat two new partitions, the first one should be the swap partition, i recomend the size of 1 gig (i believe yoiu have to give it the file system of swap), and the other partition, is goign to be the main ubuntu partition (where its installed, give it all the free space left unless you have other plans for the space) and give this partion the file system either jfs or reiserfs

        step six, you'll hit the next button i think, and now to set the mount points, on the right are the partitions, make sure that any partions that you want to be left alone (IE WINDOWS) make sure that you scroll in the box to be blank

        step seven... after you make sure you won't mess up windows, time to set the mount points for linux here, the 1 gig partition set to the mount point swap, and the larger one (the one ubuntu will install on) set to the mount point /

        step eight, i would make sure that the only partitions that are showing in this mount point menu type thing, are the one ubuntu and the swap are on, and make sure that the others are blank

        step nine, now for the all or nothing moment hit next, tell it ok to install, and cross your fingers and wait (should take about 20 minutes, maybe more depenending on like the hard drive size, bus speed, cpu, ram, it took me 20 minutes for a 80 gig, sata harddrive 1.8 dual core centrino duo, and 1 gig ram, so it probally won't go as fast for you as me, but bear in mind it takes alot to save data and repartition, so it may seam like it freezes, but give it awhile to wait and see)

        step 10 let the grub loader set itself up, it brings up a dialague during the install, like near the end something about the grub loarder, make sure it detect windows on it, if not its easy to add windows just select the partition windows is on, but it should auto detect)

        that should be about it, with out pictures of every step i cna't think of a way to make it easier, and simplier, but thats as about as step to step i can give without looking at the installer proccess


          Re: how do you dual boot?

          i was going off memory


            Re: how do you dual boot?

            I quickly browsed the instructions that foudre wrote and off the top of my head it looks right to me.
            I just wanted to add that I have a dual boot on my Toshiba laptop with Kubuntu and WinXP. My drive is only 40 GB so I resized my partitions with 9GB WinXP / 9GB Kubuntu / 512 MB Swap with the remainder being a FAT32 partition for storage space. All is fine with that configuration on my end.


              Re: how do you dual boot?

              thanks so much, my IT teacher will be helping me install it with these instructions on tuesday so i will give you the news on tuesday/wednesday.

