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Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

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    Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

    I am having problems with my computer running very slowly! What should I do? I am very new to Kubuntu.

    My specs:

    Intel Pentium 4 HyperThread
    Nvidia Geforce Fx 5600 XT 256mb
    15gb partition for Kubuntu
    512 mb dual channel ram

    Help me out please!?

    Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

    Define to us "graphic intensive programs"... are you using blender or the sort of 3D modeling programs?

    and do you have a swap partition?


      Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

      Yes i have a swap of 635mb and yes it is the 3d modeller and also 3d billiards.


        Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

        I'm only a newbie, but I think there's something wrong with your OpenGL configuration. It's the issue with me as well.

        That's all I can do.. sorry ._.

        please wait for a 1337 hxorzz to come and help solve your problem


          Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

          Thats what I am thinking also. It is slow when using google earth also. I also was wandering how to configure my computer so that the hyperthreading is also used


            Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

            HT should be detected and used, not sure never tried a ubununtu on a HT prossecor, but my dual core one is detected as two and is used quite well, I recommend you find a good tutorial on getting xgl (the graphics thingy) set up, i found one that was really helpfull, i had tried all the right ways according to ati, and failed but this one worked perfectly the first try for me
            well the main point of the post is telling you how to set up compiz (a useless but cool tool, just all special effects and crap, but required xgl or open gl)


              Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

              Are you using the open-source default "nv" graphics driver, or the proprietary "nvidia" one? In your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file there should be a line that says

              Driver "nv"
              Driver "nvidia"

              If it says "nv" then follow the instructions in this post:

              Here's why, if you're interested. nVidia don't release their drivers as open-source. The open-source "nv" driver lacks support for OpenGL with nVidia cards. The proprietary "nvidia" one comes from them, but to use it you need to link their proprietary code to your GPL'd kernel, which may or may not break the terms of the GPL (which is why it doesn't come by default in any distro). For now, though, nobody seems to mind too much.

              XGL is a completely different thing, trying to get that going when other graphical apps are struggling is a Very Bad IdeaTM.


                Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

                That ended up messing up my computer more than just leaving it. I had to end up rebuilding the xorg.conf in order to get to the login screen!?


                  Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

                  With what sort of errors? I've had a nightmare or two in the past from trying to get nVidia drivers working, but I got there somehow...


                    Re: Computer is running slow with graphic intense programs

                    The x server locks up when it was loading to go into the login screen.  I ended up having to rewrite the xorg.conf file back to a basic setup so that it would work again.

