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please help me out

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    please help me out

    I am a newbie at linux and while i was installing kubuntu(6.06)
    I entered the option to

    " manualy create partition"

    but the "create" tab doesn't become active when I select the empty space and so i am not able to proceed

    Is it because that it is a logical partition rather than an extended one(i have win-xp alreday)?

    the harddisk info is like this
    80gb SATA(seagate),(intel mb)
    --10 gb unformatted space
    all 3 are logical

    and e,f:25 each extended

    also I want to know that if i could install Grub in the /boot so that it does not mess up the mbr and whether the /will do instead of /boot

    also i don't want my win-xp to be affected by linux so that i can remove it without corrupting windows or vice-versa

    i will be extremely grateful if anyone out there could help me out!!!!!

    Re: please help me out

    well that's what I did when I installed kubuntu 6.06 in my 80 GB hard disk:
    C:28 GB as NTFS
    D:22 GB as NTFS for data
    as primary partitions
    a partition of 1024 Bytes for the swap memory(filesystem=swap)
    a partition / (or /root) for kubuntu (filesystem=ext3 or reiserfs)

    the point is not to choose the "format"choice for your old partitions(windows and data,it's just like re-installing windows,that is to say deleting and reformating) you just fill the unallocated space(mine was a logical partition and it could be modified)
    As far as I know the / won't do instead of /boot,judging by waht I did and my PC works just fine(I didn't do anything for the bootloader as far as I remember or I didi sth too easy to bear in mind )
    If you don't do anything to the other partitions and mess with the unallocated space the worst thing that may happen is not to be able to see them(c:7gb--win
    --d:6gb--data) in case the bootloader wasn't correctly installed...
    also type "diskmgmt.msc" at the CMD of your win-XP to check if your unallocated space is in good condition and noted as primary.
    I'm a newbie too but I had a really tough experience of kubuntu installation..


      Re: please help me out

      thanks for the reply
      but i couldn't completely interpret ur words
      if i am right(i hope i am not) u mean that i need to format my other primary partitions(which i don't want to do)to enable my unallocated partition to be installable
      isn't there any other way around so that i can install in the same logical parttion


        Re: please help me out

        --10 gb unformatted space
        all 3 are logical

        and e,f:25 each extended

        You want to install kubuntu in any of e or f or in the unformatted(and unallocated??) space?
        Generally you don't have to format empty space,so tell me what exactly do want to do.You start partitioning and be careful with the options of formatting,don't format any of c and d.You have 10 GB empty as I can see,try to split it in 512 MB or 1024 MB for swap and the rest ext3 for /root.That's what I did with the unallocated space I had("Is it because that it is a logical partition rather than an extended one?",well in my case it was logical and no problem came up,try again with right click on top of the selected space..

        You DON'T have to format any other partitions,you mess with the unallocated space which is empty... run "diskmgmt.msc"and post the result
        Keep going(it took me 3 days to install kubuntu,a blackout happened during the partitioning,nothing is that bad that it cannot be worse )


          Re: please help me out

          thanks again for the reply
          now as u r paying heed to my queries i need to tell u something strange that is happening to me!!!!
          when i click on the create partition tab on selecting the unformatted 10gb primary parttion the create/or any tab doesn't become active and i am not able to proceed to format that partition and the "create" doesn't become active on any of the partiton
          the control directly goes to the mount point thing where the empty parttion isn't mentioned and obviously it is of no use unless i have the required partitions .
          so what should i do now?
          do i need a logical/extended partition instead of this primary one
          and also mention how to install grub in /boot if i get through all this(i wish i do!!!)


            Re: please help me out

            this is only off the top of my head and may not be the problem. Have you checked your BIOS settings and disabled the Boot sector protection?

            Regards John.

