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Having problems running the LiveCD >_<

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    Having problems running the LiveCD >_<

    One of my friends turned me on to linux not too long ago, and I'm interested in getting my computer to dual boot with Kubuntu. Eventually I plan on switching over to Kubuntu completely, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    I have a very basic knowledge of some console commands, having run a Linux server for various things through SSH. I dont really know much terminology though, so please bear with me.

    Anyway, I downloaded the Athlon64 LiveCD (my CPU is a 3500+) and tried booting from it. After the initial loading screen, where it lists everything that is being loaded, I come to another, identical loading screen and it hangs. I ran the... thing :-X to check the CD for errors, and it was fine. I tried the X86 version of the LiveCD as well, with the same results. I also tried Ubuntu, and it gave me a very similar problem.

    So does anyone have any suggestions? I really want to try this out, and am not to excited about any other distros.

    Re: Having problems running the LiveCD &gt;_&lt;


    What specs do you have? Any "unusual" hardware?


      Re: Having problems running the LiveCD &gt;_&lt;

      No, nothing really unusual. I have a heavily upgraded HP desktop.

      3500+ Athlon64 processor
      X800PRO video card
      1 gig value ram
      200gb HD

      Nothing is overclocked or anything, either.


        Re: Having problems running the LiveCD &gt;_&lt;

        yeah i am getting a similar problem too. I am using Knoppix live CD (well actually DVD) and it gets hung at the first few lines of bootup commands.

        I have an HP laptop with turion 64 chip. 1GB RAM. 128 ATI video card. 80GB HD....

        I'm guessing we might have like problems since we have the 64 chip.

