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Anothter printing problem

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    Anothter printing problem

    First my experience:
    I'm newish to linux (I've played around with Debian before), but am very comfortable in windows.

    I set up a computer with Kubuntu (Dapper) on it to play around and learn about it... Everything set up and worked flawlessly (This has been my best Linux experience ever).... However

    I can't seem to install my network printer. It is on a Windows 2003 server machine, an Epson Stylus Color r200. I installed the linux printing extras on it.

    I add printer, select windows (smb) from the list, fill in the info. I click scan. I can see my work group, but the printer does not appear. I also do not see it when browsing the network (though I see all my other shares and can read/write files to the server). Oddly however I found a command I type in on the command line (which escapes me a the moment), and that seems to list all of my shares (including the printer) on the list.

    If I just click next, and install the driver it doesn't work.

    My windows computers can browse it fine, and install the network.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Anothter printing problem

    I am also facing the same issue. The funny thing is that it was working before I did something. Now when I try to scan the workgroup nothing shows up ! If anybody has any ideas on how to fix this problem please help ! Thanks in advance

