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Howdo I install Printer Driver

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    Howdo I install Printer Driver

    I am new to Linux that, have just installed Kubuntu 6.06.1 Lts (Dapper Drake) on my computer as have decided it is time to break free from Windows (XP Home) but i have a problem as the printer's that i have (Canon PIXMA iP5000 and Canon PIXMA MP750) are not supported in the Printer list. I found a Prog called TurboPrint 1.94-4.i386.rpm which supports heaps of Printers including mine. I have downloaded this prog to the desktop but how do i install it to be able to select the driver for my printer. Sorry if this is a silly Question but as i said just new to Linux and have only used Windows from 95 through to XP.
    If some one could help would be pleased if they could email me direct just in case i can't find any reply on the forum (

    Re: Howdo I install Printer Driver

    In order to install this package, you need another program that can convert package types called alien. Enable the universe repository in your sources list, then in a terminal type:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install alien
    Once you have installed alien, navigate to your desktop folder, and type:
    sudo alien TurboPrint1.94-4.i386.rpm
    and then install the newly created .deb package by:
    sudo dpkg -i TurboPring1.94-4.1386.deb
    using the name of the .deb file that was created by alien.

    Hope this helps!

