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kubuntu 6.06 hanging on installation

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    kubuntu 6.06 hanging on installation

    I was delighted to find that the live Kubuntu 6.06 seems to run everything on my Acer Travelmate 8104 after I had spent many months trying to get other distributions to work and failing. All sorts for things worked, acpi, pcmcia, usb, and wireless which did not work under scientific linux or knoppix, the graphics card worked after editing xorg.conf. HOWEVER when I try to install kubutu onto my hard drive using the live cd it runs happily until it gets to 80% and then just seems to hang. No error message, nothing it just never continues from that point. What is going on or how should I investigate this.

    Re: kubuntu 6.06 hanging on installation

    Can you give us some information about how you're doing the installation? Are you dual booting alongside Windows? Are you wiping the drive completely? Installing alongside another linux flavor?

    :: antoher ubuntu blog :: get linux    ::    ubuntu documentation project ::


      Re: kubuntu 6.06 hanging on installation

      Following is a private message that RCWH sent to me, and I thought should go into the thread so more people could see it.  I'll also post my reply to him. 

      Hi Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posting. I am completely unfamiliar with forum protocol
      and procedure so I was not sure how to continue to post to the topic I had posted to but I see that I can send you a message  offline. I am sure its blinding obvious what I am supposed to do but I just cant see it.

      As far as my installation problem goes.

      I am trying to use the live 6.06 cd to install kubuntu on a given partition. Another partition has
      scientific linux on (which is not working) and a further partition has windows XP. However I am booting directly from the live cd into kubuntu , not running XP, when I then click on the installaition icon on the desktop. I run through the sequence and then watch it saying that it has completed x percent until it gets through to 80 which it never gets beyond.
      :: antoher ubuntu blog :: get linux    ::    ubuntu documentation project ::


        Re: kubuntu 6.06 hanging on installation

        And here's what I wrote to him...a stab in the dark, really.


        You can always reply to forum postings and keep the thread going with more details.  The more eyes that see it, the more likely you are to get a quick answer to your problem.

        As to my ideas on your problem, I honestly don't have too many.  I would try a couple of things:
        1) First, it might be a bad CD you're installing from.  If you haven't already,  you might want to boot to the CD and select the check disk for errors option (I can't remember exactly how it is worded).  This will only take a few minutes. 
        Assuming the CD is good, then...

        Have you gotten past the point where you're formatting your partitions?  I'm not sure at what percentage in the process that is, but I think you're probably beyond it. 

        At any rate, are you isntalling on a partition that was already there before you started your installation, or did you have to resize an existing partition?  ARe you keeping your scientific linux installation, or wiping it?

        I'm kind of at a loss, to be honest. 

        I'm going to copy and paste your reply back into your original thread, along with my reply to you that I'm writing right now.  That way maybe someone with more experience than me will have an idea.

        :: antoher ubuntu blog :: get linux    ::    ubuntu documentation project ::

