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Prove me wrong

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    Prove me wrong

    Allright now, I have been a devoted user of everyones so ever loved Windows for ages now but recently when I started attending school and began learning programming (starting with pascal), I was forced to actually use debian there in school, make my programming in emacs and compile with GNU pascal I think it was.

    I can´t stand the windows compilers and code editors so I decided to smack in kubuntu on my laptop and get everything working. Checking on I started to get a bit frustrated on how to actually install their compiler but eventually I leeched a GCC and a GPC package and installed.

    Gosh, did that go straight to hell. The install took about 20 mins and I was left with a broken version of the GUI so I have to reinstall kubuntu.

    I am now sitting on a fresh install of kubuntu and I wonder if anyone can prove to me that there is a easier way to get emacs and a pascalcompiler working with kubuntu, maybe with adept?

    Any hints at all would be extremely helpful since I got some projects I need to finish before the weekend.

    Re: Prove me wrong

    Yes, adept is your friend

    Use the search function, and uncheck the "installed" option to show only "not installed" apps, and search for pascal, It shows me the gnu pascval compiler is called 'gpc'.

    You will need to enable the Universe repositories to see these. In Adept's maen bar go to Adept/Manage Repositories. Then look for the line with
    deb [url][/url] breezy universe
    . Right-click on that line and select "enable" Click "apply" then click on "Fetch Updates" Then you should be able to search for your items.


      Re: Prove me wrong

      Thank you so much for that one man. I owe you bigtime for this!

