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Permissions change after Kubuntu install

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    Permissions change after Kubuntu install

    I recently added the Kubuntu desktop to my Ubuntu install with sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. Everything about the install is fine except now when I log into Gnome, I no longer have access to the root folder; all I can see when I click the filesystem icon that allows me to view my Linux directories are the /home and /media folders. I'm pretty sure a user permission setting has changed, but I have no idea how to get back to the original settings. Maybe KDE wants to protect me from myself, but I'd rather live a little bit dangerously.

    Any idea how to restore the original Gnome permissions?

    Re: Permissions change after Kubuntu install

    I kept poking around until I discovered that it wasn't a permissions issue at all, but a visibility one. After finding the .hidden file and editing it, everything is back to normal (and the folders are showing up in Kubuntu too -- sweet!).

    Sorry for the static.

