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Getting special keys to work?

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    Getting special keys to work?


    I have a Sony Vaio with Kubuntu on it. Sonypi and acpi is loaded, and the "fn" function to lower and increase the brightness works (fn+F5 and fn+F6). However, the lower/increase sound function doesn't (fn+F3 and fn+F4). Mute doesn't work either (fn+F2). This is the output of sudo tail -0f /var/log/acpid when I push fn+LowerBrightness:

    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] received event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 00000010"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] notifying client 4496[108:108]
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] executing action "/etc/acpi/ down"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] END HANDLER MESSAGES
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] action exited with status 2
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] completed event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 00000010"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] received event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 0000003b"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] notifying client 4496[108:108]
    [Sat Sep 30 00:20:07 2006] completed event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 0000003b"

    and this is the message from sudo tail -0f /var/log/acpid when I try to use fn+LowerVolume:

    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] received event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 0000000e"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] notifying client 4496[108:108]
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] executing action "/etc/acpi/"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] END HANDLER MESSAGES
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] action exited with status 0
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] completed event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 0000000e"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] received event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 0000003b"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] notifying client 4496[108:108]
    [Sat Sep 30 00:22:02 2006] completed event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 0000003b"

    but nothing happens (the file exists in the given location btw). For some reason, this worked under GNOME when I used Ubuntu, but not under KDE in Kubuntu. Isn't there a fairly simple script I could add myself in order to get this to work?

    A somewhat less prioritized function is the S1 (and S2) key(s) found on Sony Vaio SZ2HP/B.This is the message I get from sudo tail -0f /var/log/acpid when I press the S1 key (looks different from the others):

    [Sat Sep 30 00:23:42 2006] received event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 00000020"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:23:42 2006] notifying client 4496[108:108]
    [Sat Sep 30 00:23:42 2006] completed event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 00000020"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:23:42 2006] received event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 00000020"
    [Sat Sep 30 00:23:42 2006] notifying client 4496[108:108]
    [Sat Sep 30 00:23:42 2006] completed event "sony/hotkey SPIC 00000001 00000020"
