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Kubuntu 5.10 MP3 Prob FIXED

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    Kubuntu 5.10 MP3 Prob FIXED

    Hi All, I have just installed Kubuntu 5.10 i386 , it all seems to work really well apart from a small error.
    When i open Kaffeine or Amarok i get an error :
    Missing GStreamer-registry! Did you forget to run <b>gst-register</b> (as root) after installation?
    It is an absolute fresh install and have not edited, moved any files?
    When i open a shell, i sudo -s to access as root, and then run gst-register
    and get the following :
    bash: gst-register: command not found ?
    I would really like to fix this, If i dloaded a new media player would i still get the same errors?

    On The Kubuntu FAQ page under "how do i play mp3's" It says to install akode-mpg and gstreamer0.8-mad. I opened (adept) and found there are plenty of gstreamer packages and 1 akode package installed but they are not specifically akode-mpg or gstreamer0.8-mad?

    Where am i going wrong

    Re: Kubuntu 5.10 MP3 Problems

    have you enable the new repositories?
    do the following
    sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup
    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

    make sure that the universe repositories don't have # in front. if they do just delete the # the you should be able to install form adpt. you can also do it form adept or synaptic but this wat I find it eaier. if you have any questions let me know


      Re: Kubuntu 5.10 MP3 Problems

      Have you enabled Universe?

      This is where the package is located (and 80% (more/less)) of KDE packages are.

      Open your /etc/apt/sources.list file...(in the konsole)
      kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list
      look for the universe line and remove the # in front of the 'deb', save it and close KWrite then do..
      sudo apt-get update update package lists...
      sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad install gstreamer0.8-mad.

      ~ Patrick


        Re: Kubuntu 5.10 MP3 Problems

        Thanks Very Much for your support so far i really appreciate it.

        NO i had not enabled universe. I was also having a DNS issuethat is now sorted.
        So i did apt-get update and it seemed to work,..
        I tried both adept and cmd line to download akode mpeg and gstreamer0.8-mad ..
        With Adept o got this error: There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.
        And with the cmd line i get the following..
        Reading package lists... Done
        Building dependency tree... Done
        Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
        requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
        distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
        or been moved out of Incoming.

        Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
        the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
        that package should be filed.
        The following information may help to resolve the situation:

        The following packages have unmet dependencies:
        gstreamer0.8-mad: Depends: libid3tag0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not installable
        Depends: libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not installable
        E: Broken packages.. ?

        So what does this all mean?
        I also reinstalled while trying to work out DNS issue, after re-install i try and play an MP3 file, Amarok now opens and gives the message: The gst-engine claims it cannot play MP3 files.
        You may want to choose a different engine from the Configure Dialog, or examine the installation of the multimedia-framework that the current engine uses.
        You may find useful information in the FAQ section of the amaroK HandBook.

        Ok so where am i now going wrong......??


          Re: Kubuntu 5.10 MP3 Prob FIXED

          Im now listening to an mp3, woohoo , The problem was DNS and was resolved when i re-installed and used the command to force a static ip addy, ..

          Anybody with a netcomm NB5 modem make sure you have dns pointed directly to your isp's nameserver. ...

