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trying to duel boot

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    trying to duel boot

    Im completly new to the linux seen and i dont really have a clue as to what im doing. I installed kubuntu and now I want to have run a duel boot with windows. i cant figure out how to repartition the hard drive and even more, i cant figure out how to run the exe file for the windows that i have. PLEASE HELP!!!!

    Re: trying to duel boot

    (I have had to think about this and unpick what I think is being said.)

    You say that you have installed Kubuntu. On your hard drive? Is Kubuntu working normally?

    You say that you want to dual boot with Windows. Do you assume that there is anything left of Windows on your hard drive or do you intend to make a fresh installation?

    Windows will want to take over ALL of your hard drive. For this reason it is better to install windows first and then Linux.

    You say that you can't figure out how to partition your hard drive. Put in Windows first and then shrink it down. Kubuntu should automatically go into the free space. There should be no need to create a Swap, Home etc.

    In my own case I put in another hard drive. Windows goes on the first hard drive, Linux goes on the second. So there is no resizing and things are simpler.

    How to shrink Windows is shown on video at

    As I said there should be no need to create Linux partitions only a free space.

    You say you can't figure out how to run the .exe files for the Windows you have. Where are these now? When you dual boot and install Grub it will ask if you want to run Kubuntu or you want to run Windows. Use Windows as normal.

    If we are getting into running Windows programs on Linux this is Wine, Cedega, CrossoverOffice and something else...
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss

