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Corrupted files during installation.

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    Corrupted files during installation.

    Hi Everyone,

    I am a complete noob to Linux but not to Unix but that knowledge is very old and mostly gone. I am a long time Windows user who wants to try Linux. I have spent the better part of this weekend and last weekend trying to install Kubuntu. First I tried the live install disk and then after snooping around in this forum, I tried the alternate install, which is really what I wanted to do in the first place. So I am still having trouble and looking for help.

    I am trying to do a clean install on an old Emachines system which has a 433 MHz Celeron processor, 256 Mbytes Ram, a 3.2 Gbyte IDE drive, and some generic graphics that is integrated on the motherboard. I know this is a pretty minimal system but I loaded Win2K on this system and it worked perfectly for nearly a year.

    Where am I now? I downloaded the ISO from this site and checked the MD5SUMS from the FTP site and they are correct so I assume my image is good. I start with burning the ISO image to CD and finish with data verification after burning. I start the boot process in the above system but first check the CD integrity using that in the boot options. I start the CD integrity process with the following options that I learned about here:

    irqpoll noapic nolapic acpi=off

    The integrity check finishes without errors, so I start the install with the same options as above. All goes well for a while until it tries to retrieve a file and discovers it is corrupted. So the initial check says the CD is good but the install program finds corrupted files. Not just one file is corrupted either.

    Anybody have any suggestions (other than getting better hardware)?
    Thanks in advance


    Re: Corrupted files during installation.

    Frankly, I think that your hardware is pretty minimal for (K)Ubuntu. I doubt that you could fit a complete KDE installation on your hard drive. Moreover, if you did, your machine would spend much of it's time trying to swap stuff out to disk because your memory is also a trifle short. If you really want to try Kubuntu, I'd think that the live CD might be your best bet. However, I would suggest trying either Puppy Linux or Damn Small Linux. Both are designed for use on obsolete machines.


      Re: Corrupted files during installation.

      Thanks Al,

      Yes the hardware is minimal but this is what I have laying around that is not in use. I don't think the basic hardware is the installation problem. However, I am beginning to think that there is a problem with the CDROM drive, at least that is all I can come up with at this point.

      I tried the Kubuntu live disk and that freezes up so I gave up on that. I want to try a Linux distribution that will give me a GUI, do the basic networking things (Internet, Mail, file sharing), view photos, play music...

      I am about to give up on the Linux idea unless there is a distribution that will install without much of a hassle.

      When I get a chance, I am going to try one last time, using my main system hardware with this disk. If that doesn't work, then I will probably give up on Linux for now.

      Thanks again
      Rod (AKA Grogley)


        Re: Corrupted files during installation.

        I'd try Puppy or DSL.

