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More xserver-xorg-core trouble

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    More xserver-xorg-core trouble

    I too can't reboot anymore after the upgrade. Tried the solution above, but it says it can't find x-server-xorg-core.
    Where is it looking for that? Where should it look?

    I think I must reinstall Kubuntu. Then disable any auto-upgrades.


    Re: **Don't upgrade xserver-xorg-core**

    Originally posted by Photoface
    I too can't reboot anymore after the upgrade. Tried the solution above, but it says it can't find x-server-xorg-core.
    Where is it looking for that? Where should it look?
    Are you sure you're experiencing the same issue? (This thread is rather old and the problem was fixed soon after the faulty version was released)

    You can try this command:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    that will refresh your package list and upgrade to the latest versions that should be working (unless there are new issues that I'm not aware of :P)
    I'm assuming you have a working internet connection since you already upgraded your system from the repositories, let us know if you don't.

    Note that the package name is xserver-xorg-core, not x-server-xorg-core.


      Re: **Don't upgrade xserver-xorg-core**

      In my reply above was a typo. I corrected it and now the command went through.

      However, in spite of it saying that it downgraded, it still won't boot past the splash.

      Then I tried to reinstall Linux, but it persisted on doing that on the Windows partition, not on the Linux partition.

      I think I lay it aside for the moment, and continue reading the forum untill some idea comes around, because I haven't got a clue...

      Pity though, my first Linux experience lasted two entire days



        Re: **Don't upgrade xserver-xorg-core**

        Thanks for replying!

        I tried your suggestion:

        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist upgrade

        ..and the command caused a number of things to get collected, also a bunch was "touched" (I'm on the Dutch Kubuntu, not sure what that is in the English version).

        It reported a total of 3 bytes (?) was downloaded and ended with

        E: invalid operation dist.

        Any idea?

        BTW, I'm DSL connected to the Internet.



          Re: **Don't upgrade xserver-xorg-core**

          Originally posted by Photoface
          sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist upgrade

          ..and the command caused a number of things to get collected, also a bunch was "touched" (I'm on the Dutch Kubuntu, not sure what that is in the English version).

          It reported a total of 3 bytes (?) was downloaded and ended with

          E: invalid operation dist.
          it's dist-upgrade...not dist upgrade


            Re: **Don't upgrade xserver-xorg-core**

            Darn! another typo! You're right.
            (how did I ever survive DOS?)

            I corrected it, and now I did't get an error message again, however, it still won't boot up.

            I get the feeling that the partition is somehow unreachable. I have an 80 GB harddrive. When I first installed Kubuntu, I let the "live CD" make a new partition for it.

            I chose half of it (40GB) all ok. Back in Windows I found that C: now shrunk to 40 GB. all ok.

            BTW I defragged C: before doing all this, so I had one big contiguous empty space.

            Now after this problem, I can't reinstall Kubuntu into it's own partition, becaus e it tries to install it on the Win partion and suggests a 20GB partition, leaving 20 for windows. (ignoring the already made Kubuntu partition).

            Most sensible thing to me now seems to use whatever it takes to erase the Kubuntu, then redo the whole install (which should be a breeze because I had only installed Firefox in it)

            I'll report back here. thankss for sharing your knowledge!


              Re: **Don't upgrade xserver-xorg-core**

              Well, the linux partition remains unerasable from within Windows, and AFAIK there is no way to erase it from within Linux in the state it is now.

              I assume experienced users do not reformat their entire HDD every week or so, but I don't know another way to get rid of the partition.

              Are there any other command-line strings I can try? because a terminal session is the only thing I can do right now.

              Or, does anyone know a way how to remove a linux partition? It hi-jackes half my HDD, and that's a high price for two days playing with Kubuntu linux, even though it was high class fun!



                Re: More xserver-xorg-core trouble

                I've split this thread away from the original topic because it seemed to me that it had turned very far away from the original subject. As a result, I've moved the new thread to the Newbie Support forum which seems much more appropriate.

                Note to Photoface: In Linux, Spelling and Punctuation count. The first thing that I do, when a command fails, is to check my typing.



                  Originally posted by Photoface
                  Well, the linux partition remains unerasable from within Windows, and AFAIK there is no way to erase it from within Linux in the state it is now.

                  I assume experienced users do not reformat their entire HDD every week or so, but I don't know another way to get rid of the partition.
                  You should be able to delete the partition from windows (possibly using partition manager software) or with a Linux LiveCD (like the (k)ubuntu DesktopCD)

                  Are there any other command-line strings I can try? because a terminal session is the only thing I can do right now.
                  You can try reconfiguring the x-server with:
                  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg


                    Re: More xserver-xorg-core trouble

                    Thanks again for helping me!

                    After the last suggestion didn't work, I decided to start anew. I reinstalled using the Live CD by manually selecting partition properties etc.

                    I ended up with the Linux partition, but without the /SWAP. (virtual memory?) Anyway, it booted up normally again.

                    Did a couple of sessions (I had Adept install Firefox again), but denied Adept to upgrade Kubuntu. The upgrade appearently fauled things up earlier.

                    Next I allowed Adept to upgrade, rebooted and... It still worked! Just like before I had two additional boot choises (the new version among the old one, both normal as well as Recovery mode).
                    Rebooted several times, without a fault. This looks good.

                    Now I'm going after the Swap folder that probably needs to be there. No slowness experienced so far, however.


