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(K)ubuntu and debian

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    (K)ubuntu and debian

    Latly i have read alot about debian. Infact reading about debian lead me to ubuntu witch lead me to Kubuntu (witch i use now lol tried gnome but all in all KDE is ware its at) so heres the deal. ive heard alot of dissagrements about the two. like for one i know (K)ubuntu comes from debian but is there that huge of a differnce. suddenlty i feel tworn? am i reading to much into it. i love Kubuntu but will i loose somthing like not learn as much about the OS by using it?

    Re: (K)ubuntu and debian


    I'm not sure I've understood well what was your question... Anyway I will try to answer
    In fact, debian is harder to manage and use, it's not to be as much user friendly like kubuntu (or ubuntu)
    Kubuntu is a simplified version of debian for user...
    If you'd like to learn as much possible as you can from linux, so you should try linux from scratch, but it's really really hard, as you even have to configure the boot for example.

    What would you like to learn in fact ?



      Re: (K)ubuntu and debian

      I like Kubuntu because it's easy to setup and use, yet all the power of linux is there too, you can add pretty much anything once you get the hang of it.
      If I ever eventualy need to reinstall I'd still go for Kubuntu even though I could manage with Debian proper nowadays, why? because I like it!


        Re: (K)ubuntu and debian

        I am trying to learn as much as possible about the OS.. for example i want the knowlge (though i wouldnt do it) to be able to config my own forked version of debian if i wanted. but i noticed that there was a lot of debate about debian main and (K)ubuntu. the debate was how (K)ubuntu was diverging to far from the main debian source tree.

