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Konqueror playing up

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    Konqueror playing up

    My Konqueror has started acting strangely, icons that used to be in the main toolbar are disappearing and it doesn't seem to know how to handle web sites any more - if I browse any site its fine, but then if I click on a link Konqueror asks 'what do I want to do with this file'.

    It seems as if its config is being messed with. Can I reset Konqueror back to its default configuration.


    Re: Konqueror playing up

    Can I reset Konqueror back to its default configuration.
    Yes, just navigate to the directory /home/abunt/.kde/share/apps/ and change the name of the directory named "konqueror" to knoqueror.old". Then restart Konqueror. It will generate a new directory using the standard settings. Note that if you don't like them, you can just switch back.


      Re: Konqueror playing up

      Thanks, I did that and it made a new directory as you said., but the strange behaviour when browsing remains, ie. If I click any link in a web page a box appears saying the link is to a document of type HTML, and offering buttons to either 'Save to disk', 'Open with NVU' or 'Cancel' rather than simply opening the page itself. (If I right click on a link and choose 'open in new window' or 'open in new tab' Konqueror opens the link correctly).

      It used to work fine??!


        Re: Konqueror playing up

        You could always change your default browser to Firefox. Alternatively, you can try fooling around with the settings under "settings">"configure Konqueror".

