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New to Kubuntu

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    New to Kubuntu

    I just switched from Windows after a series of support issues, mainly their lack of support available to anyone who doesn't believe you should have to pay for assistance via phone. I also lost an extensive amount of irrecoverable data due to Microsoft flaws.

    I was recommended to Kubuntu by a decent amount of my friends. I'm really glad I switched to. It's so much nicer than windows. Some of my software doesn't run, I'm not sure if that is fixable or not, but my main issue is Kubuntu 6.06.1 Dapper freezes often. If anyone would be able to help me that would be great; I would be much obliged. If you need more information on my system, PM me.

    Thank you.


    Re: New to Kubuntu

    I'm totally green to Kubuntu as well, but I know about a little emulator that lets you run Windows based programs, called Wine. You might want to take a look at the website and get some information there. I don't know anything about it, or how to install it, but I'm sure there are enough who do now and are willing to help.
    As for the freezing of Kubuntu, I wouldn't know what would be wrong with it. Does it happen randomly or when you run particular programs?

    [edit]For Wine, you may get some info for (K)ubuntu here


      Re: New to Kubuntu

      Since none of the gurus around here have offered an answer here goes from a Linux newbie. To be fair these sorts of problems are hard to pin point, to start with is it a hardware or a software problem. We know Kubuntu is pretty good so if its a software problem its may be something to do with the way you installed it. So...

      Is the hardware ok, ie did / does it run another OS such as Win ok?

      Did the instability start right from fresh install are after adding something?

      Did you follow good instructions for the install such as these - If not its porbably worth starting again.

      Hope this helps.

