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New Kubuntu user, and another wifi question...

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    Re: New Kubuntu user, and another wifi question...

    I think you might have to have physical access to the router to set up the encryption. Usually I believe you have to connect the router directly to your computer via the ethernet port and then log into the settings pages (usually set up in a built in html pages in the router's on board memory). There should be a web address on the back of the router to get to that setup page. I have an airport express assistant for mine (It's been about 2 years since I set it up, so I don't remember if I can set that one up over the airwaves). I think I'm still a little confused about your situation though. Your living in a neighborhood / apartment building that provides the wireless internet connection? Are trying to set up encryption on the router to protect your connection, or were you asked to do it for all of the residents? If you are not allowed access to the router, then all bets are off as far as you being able to set that up. If you're worried about your own connection being hacked, you probably will be better off setting up your firewall really well. There's a great podcast / that talks about these issues called Security Now with Steve Gibson (from GRC and Leo Leporte (from TWIT - This Week In Tech, another great podcast). Anyway, they have some great discussions on how a lot of these different technologies work (included WiFi and WEP) and what's good and bad about them (including how people ostensibly would be able or not be able to hack through the protection). I believe that GRC has a program for Linux called Shields Up. You might try that out as well.


      Re: New Kubuntu user, and another wifi question...

      In favour of starting a new topic, I'll just recycle this one.
      Since this Thursday I haven't had a net connection, due to trouble with my ISP, it's been solved however, although it took them until today to fix it.
      Anyway, when I fired up Kubuntu again today and tried to go online again, there seemed to be a bit of a problem.
      I am able to switch the wireless nic on and off, as well as other cards, but when I scan for wireless AP's, I don't get anything. This happens both when I use the GUI wireless assistant as well as the command 'iwlist wlan0 scan'.
      Other computers in the house can see two different AP's, of which one I can connect to.
      I am still dualbooting, so I switched to Windows, and strangely, I was able to connect without any trouble at all, so it must be a software problem.

      Checking my wireless nic gives me this:
      rutger@RH1:~$ ifconfig wlan0
      wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:A4:57:22:6E
      inet6 addr: fe80::214:a4ff:fe57:226e/64 Scope:Link
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
      Interrupt:217 Memory:e2000000-e2002000
      Might there be someone who has a solution to this problem? I'm a bit at a loss about what to do. I think I'll reconfigure my nic with ndiswrapper and see what that will do, but I'm not sure. Is there anyone who has suggestions?

      [update] So I decided to turn ndiswrapper off and back on. It didn't give me any trouble and happily loaded the driver. But now my wlan0 has changed into eth1. How strange is that? It seems my laptop is suffering from a little case of wireless lycanthropy. I still can't see any AP's however, though the eth1 allows for scanning for them. I'm typing this on the same laptop with the same nic, so hardware is definitely not an issue.


        Re: New Kubuntu user, and another wifi question...

        I threw ndiswrapper away and installed ndisgtk, everything's working again. Although my wireless nic is still called eth1, though I won't mind.


          Re: New Kubuntu user, and another wifi question...

          Well, if you have ndisgtk, you have ndiswrapper. ndisgtk is only a graphical frontend for ndiswrapper. Glad it worked out for you. You should be able to bring up your nic as any interface you want (wlan0, wifi, etc) by editing you /etc/iftab. If you navigate to that folder, then right click on the file and click edit as root. Add an entry such as:

          ath0 mac 00:90:96:73:9b:ac arp 1

          Substite the interface you want and the mac address of your card. You can get the mac address by typing ifconfig eth1. Good luck.

