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Access to windows personal files from Kubuntu

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    Access to windows personal files from Kubuntu

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    Xem thêm: Xổ số MN - KQXS Miền Nam - KQ XSMN - Kết quả xổ số miền Nam nhanh nhất

    Originally posted by kullboys View Post
    Now my question is that is it possible to so easily access anyone’s personal files by just carrying around a usb and booting up kubuntu (which requires no password) and having access to all the personal files of the person?
    Yes. With a systemrescuecd stick you can reset a user's password, too.
    Is this a glitch or a loophole?
    Not really either, IMO. If someone wants to keep personal stuff private they use encryption.
    Regards, John Little


      You can do exactly the same with someone running linux if, as has been mentioned, the files are not encrypted. -
      ~EVE Online - the best game I will never recommend you play~


        Originally posted by kullboys View Post
        Hi everyone,

        I’m new to kubuntu and wanted to try it out so I burned the iso file to my usb and installed it but I didn’t get the boot option, so I thought heck let’s just try it for now so I booted it and tried it, as I was browsing I came across my windows partition, just out of curiosity to see if I can view my windows files from here, I went into users and clicked my name and lo and behold, it didn’t ask for any password or anything of that sort and I had access to all of my personal files in windows 10.

        Now my question is that is it possible to so easily access anyone’s personal files by just carrying around a usb and booting up kubuntu (which requires no password) and having access to all the personal files of the person? Is this a glitch or a loophole?

        I’m a newbie and I’m sorry if I’m missing out some information as I’m reallly shocked!
        When you are running Kubuntu in duel boot mode the ntfs3 driver gives you access to the Windows partition, BUT, the Windows OS is not running so none of its security protocols, as weak as they are, are running. If you don’t want the ability to access the Windows partition from Kubuntu then uninstall the ntfs driver OR write a bash script to wrap it with a password request to be able to run it. But, that implies that someone other than you has or is accessing your Kubuntu desktop. To do that they’d need your password. So why bother.

        You could move all your important data to a backup, reinstall Kubuntu and give it the whole drive, minus a swap partition, and restore your data to your Kubuntu home account. For extra security encrypt your HD a/o your home account. That will keep joe and Sally Sixpack out of your computer but not the gov or other state actors.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          The reality is, with physical access and a bootable USB, no one's files are safe! Unless you are running encryption of course.

          I don't bother. There's not much worth stealing here. Heck, I'll give you photos of my dog voluntarily!

          Please Read Me

