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Newbie trying to install 18.04.1 LTS

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    Thank you again GreyGeek.

    Last question for this topic. One that I may need redirection to another part of the forum. I touched on this earlier and that is on installing a program manually. I could not find Celestia in the repository. But here it is as a package for Linux. Where can I get directions of installing it?


    I must say now that I have Kubuntu running on the this old Toshiba laptop (2010 vintage) its performance sure beats the pants of the W7 residing as dual boot. Everything happens fast Like when the computer was new! So far, no suffering processor and HD laboriously spinning away for ages trying to load up apps etc. Shows how all those cumulative Windows updates and security downloads overload the poor thing to a creeping slog...!


      IF you laptop is an amd64 CPU then this site, which is rather old, supplies:

      If you laptop is a 32bit CPU then this site, also rather old:

      On both pages noticed the other dependencies. Note that both of these programs were written for the 14.04 environnment. Attempting to install them may bork your system. Have you made backups? And stored a copy on a USB stick or external HD?
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

