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Small config problem

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    Small config problem

    I have set up Kubuntu on my laptop, and want it to look just so. To achieve this, I have chosen the smallest setting for the size of the taskbar. I run it with two desktops, and I configure them to be displayed one above the other, i.e like so:

    Preview 1
    Preview 2

    However, whenever I restart, it displays this:

    Preview 1 Preview 2

    Does anyone know how I can make it stay the way I want it?

    Re: Small config problem

    Its possible that having the task bar set to the smallest setting is the problem. Try and do a custom setting for the task bar to something a little larger.


      Re: Small config problem

      Try click whit the right button on the desktop preview and go over "pager options"
      then go over "rows" and select 2 (I suppose that now you have this setting to auto)

      Hope it helps


        Re: Small config problem

        Originally posted by zaflaucich
        Try click whit the right button on the desktop preview and go over "pager options"
        then go over "rows" and select 2 (I suppose that now you have this setting to auto)

        Hope it helps
        This is what I do. For some reason, the setting reverts to automatic upon restart.

