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Kubuntu 24:10 install Wayland issues

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    Kubuntu 24:10 install Wayland issues

    I've done a clean install on my PC, everything seems to be runnning ok except I'm getting a notification

    'Detect GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE being set and Wayland Input method frontend is working. It is recommended to unset GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE and use Wayland input method frontend instead. For more details see​'

    Checked the link and it states use im-config​ to 'unset'.
    However im-config requires zenity to be installed.

    Given this is a clean install - I would expect it to fundamentally work out of the box
    I've done multiple searches and not found a consistent or clear solution.
    Can anybody help please
    Where do I need to unset these modes and change to Wayland input method.

    when you first login after reboot, the screen has a menu on the lower left to choose between wayland (default) and X11

    do you not have this menu?

    what happens when you choose wayland?

    were are you getting this notification? on the desktop? which one X11 or wayland?

    you can turn off individual notifications if they are bothersome and everything else is otherwise working.


      Thanks skyfishgoo
      Didn't notice that option as I automatically booted into the desktop.
      Doesn't occur if I switch to X11 - as one would expect.

      Not sure if the error message is a significant issue or just a info/warning, I do not like to turn off messages like that without knowing what it will affect.

      Wayland - it would be nice to use but how is it set as default but does not setup correctly on a clean install.
      I know its not just me as it has been reported many times, with various fixes, non I can manage to understand enough to implement, even though I am generally very computer literate. (But this area is new to me).
      Guess its x11for me for now.


        Sure, the messaging (provided by fcitx iirc) could be better.

        fcitx is for switching to other input methods (kanji, pinyin, etc).

        One can dismiss the message unless you need to be able to switch to a non-western input method. Or dismiss the message and adjust things as mentioned, if you do.
        So, in any case, you can dismiss the popup.

        You could even uninstall fcitx5 if you wish.

        It is odd that most every distro that supports a broad set of language inputs and uses fcitx has had this happen as they upgrade their internals this year, and they haven't figured out a better, or at least more informative presentation.

