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Error 18 on Install Reboot

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    Error 18 on Install Reboot

    The install from CD seemed to go OK...but when I was prompted to remove install CD and reboot, I got a text on black screen that says"Grub loading stage 1.5" then next line"Grub loading, please wait..." next line "Error 18", then nothing!!!

    Where can I find a list of boot errors?

    How can this be fixed?
    (I have Windows ME, and Mandriva 10.1 on the same Hard Drive.)
    Thanks very much for any help!!!

    Re: Error 18 on Install Reboot

    I have the same error.

    I take it no one answered you ?
    I guess they haven't found a fix. I tried putting the live CD back in and opened up QTparted all the partitions are there it just wont load. If I figure it out I will let you know


      Re: Error 18 on Install Reboot

      Originally posted by blipflip
      Where can I find a list of boot errors?
      The list of errors reported by GRUB one may find in the according section of the official GRUB manual.



        Re: Error 18 on Install Reboot

        Do you have an older machine? - and are booting kubuntu in a partition at the end of your disk? If so, this would explain your error, the bios may not be coping with this. Solutions would be to update your bios, or repartition your disk so that the boot partition contains the kernel and is below the 1024 cylinder limit, or use workarounds like this


          Re: Error 18 on Install Reboot

          That was my very first experience with Linux. I was finally able to boot Kubuntu on my older machine (400 mhz, pentium II, 350 ram) but it was a year ago and I don't now remember the details. I then ran into the problem of not easily being able to log in as "root"; pretty soon after that I picked up another distribution and have slowly been climbing the learning curve with it. I don't yet use Linux exclusively since I need Quickbooks and some home design software in Windows that I have not been able to duplicate in Linux. At some point I'll give Kubuntu another look.

