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Hello! A Few Comments on the Shortcomings and Errors I’ve Noticed

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    Hello! A Few Comments on the Shortcomings and Errors I’ve Noticed

    Dear Kubuntu Family,

    Thank you for the wonderful forum and software you’ve created and for supporting free software.

    Because of the value I place on you, I’d like to start with one of the most important contributions I can make: offering criticism.

    As you can tell from my name, I used to be a Windows user. The best thing Windows and Apple software do is visual appeal. Even though the services may not be as varied and comprehensive as those on Linux, they excel at making things look good—essentially, they are great at advertising. Unfortunately, this is one of the most noticeable shortcomings in the Linux distro world. There’s truly great potential, but the vision for visuals, design, and marketing fails to go beyond mediocre.

    For example, when we try to download Kubuntu 23.10 from the official Kubuntu website, do you know what happens when we click the link? A HUGE ERROR PAGE. Can you imagine something like this happening on Microsoft or Apple’s websites?

    Please be aware of how special and valuable the work you’re doing is. For this reason, focus not only on the software but also on making your website and forum designs visually appealing and user-friendly. You may have a passionate, amateur spirit, but that doesn’t mean you can’t act professionally.

    Please think of your software as something a 10-year-old child will download and use, because that's exactly the situation for people like me trying to transition from Windows to Linux.

    By the way, I’m still new to the forum. I hope we can all become a good family together. Thanks again!​

    Hi and welcome to the Forum!

    With regards to your complaint; Kubuntu 23.10 has been End-of-Life since July 2024. I suspect they took down the download link but kept the page open so one could review documents like the release notes. I suppose they didn't bother to remove that entire section from the web page so they wouldn't have to edit the page all over again in a couple months. The team is probably busy working on other stuff.

    Also, you should be aware this is a user forum and not a developer portal. A few developers do wander though here occasionally, but they are not residents here. My point being if you have an issue like this one or an actual bug report to file you would want to go the the Bug Tracker on Launchpad or file directly with the project maintainer (usually listed in the docs of whatever program you're working with).

    Fortunately, there are many active and knowledgeable members on this forum so this is a great place to ask questions and get help with issues. If you're new to user forums like this one, you might want to click the link in my sig for some light guidance on best to how to get help.

    Best of luck on your Linux journey.

    Please Read Me


      That was 1000% written by an AI assistant, though the actual issue is accurate.
      23.10 images were there within the past week or two, iirc.

