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    So I want install Kubuntu for work because it has all the things built it for it, but is there a way to get some of the other goodies from other flavors into Kubuntu?
    Such as the Heads up Display in Ubuntu Unity or the way to tweak the settings to make it better (Tweak Tool) Or if I decided to start streaming, how do I know what apps are the Ubuntu Studio to see which ones I would want to install?

    CloudStrrife ,

    Welcome to the board.

    About Ubuntu Unity, i dont know. I dont use to use it.

    I have been using Kubuntu and Ubuntu Studio in the past. Now i have a version 24.04 for both. The new Ubuntu Studio 24.04 is implemented in a different way than the others version in the past. Server sound is one of the things. Kubuntu now use pipewire audio server by default, and in the new Ubuntu Studio you will have to choose between Pulse audio Server or Pipewire. Anyway , Pulse Audio server is deprecated. I am still learning the new Ubuntu Studio for some programs.

    There are a lot of programs on Ubuntu Studio. Its hard to nominate one by one. There are two way to check the programs on Ubuntu Studio. Install it on a separate partition or separate drive, or install Kubuntu and Ubuntu Studio's Installer backend configuration using discover and it will gives metapackage selection GUI for users to creativity applications for their purposes or further configure their installation. The last option i did not use to use, so i dont know how it really performs.

    Anyway, the new Ubuntu Studio uses the Plasma Desktop by KDE; but it is tweaked in different way than Kubuntu. Audio setup and configuration is very different compared to the kubuntu. A little learning curve.

    Why dont you install Ubuntu Studio? It has almost all the programs that Kubuntu has combined with a low latency kernel. In your case of using it for streaming, Ubuntu Studio can be a better option.Anyway, it seems that kernel linux are going to use low latency kernel in the next releases by default.


      Originally posted by CloudStrrife View Post
      but is there a way to get some of the other goodies from other flavors into Kubuntu?
      Those goodies are probably desktop-specific, so matching whatever feature something like Gnome or Unity, etc, may not have equivalents in KDE Plasma,

      However, Plasma comes with more UI options out of the box than all the other desktops.

      Not 100% sure about Unity's HUD. You can add a Global Menu to Plasma, but I don't think any other desktop offers the unique HUD menu feature. Some of this is from the fundamentally different ways that KDE and other desktops create and display the window decorations.

      Gnome teak tool isn't really needed in Plasma - these kinds of options are already present in System Settings. You can still install it if you wanted to.

      As mentioned, just install Ubuntu Studio, since it will have all that stuff already.
      Install the bits you need, if you want. You don't need to install a special distro for streaming.Most people just install OBS and that's about it. You don't even need a special kernel or anything. That is mainly for audio production.
      Start with OBS, and then add things as you find you need them.


        Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20240907_014041.png Views:	4 Size:	144.2 KB ID:	682276 i did a test here and Ubuntu Studio's Installer on Kubuntu only install packages, so its not possible to choose isolated programs.

        About a note on the screenshot when installing Ubuntu Studio Installer it install a program called Ubuntu Studio Audio too to configure this. If you're go try this check the note carefully.
        Last edited by Virginio Miranda; Sep 06, 2024, 10:59 PM.

