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Plasma appreciation

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    Plasma appreciation

    When I finally got sick of Windows and loaded Ubuntu I thought I knew love. Then I installed Kubuntu with the beautiful Plasma desktop and was blown away.

    It does everything seamlessly out of the box. I absolutely understand why ex-Windows users find it an easier transition to make.

    It's the little things I appreciate, like minimising to dock. In GNOME you have to type

    gsettings set click-action 'minimize'

    to make it work. In Plasma that's automatic.

    I'm loving the sheer amount of customisation KDE offers too.

    Anyway, that's it, just a little note of appreciation. I won't be going back to Windows.

    Are there any tips you can share with me?​

    Stay involved with this forum, you will (most likely) have issues in the future. This is a safe place for help...wonderful community. Even tho' you are reletively new, be helpful when you are able.

