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a newbie with some questions

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    a newbie with some questions


    I have installed the last kunbuntu released and I have some problems.

    1 - I don't find the file /etc/lilo.conf for configurate the boot mode. Does it normal ? Does it exist ?
    2 - When I have installed the Kunbuntu, the installer asked me to give a name for my computer and it wants a user name with his password. So, I didn't have given a password for the root account. Does it normal ? I can't log me with the root account, because I didn't have put a password. So, on the log screen, I can log with the user account, but it I try to log with the "root" login, and the same password that the user account, it displays "Root login is not allowed". So, how can i do to log in root mode ?
    3 - As I can't log me in root mode, when I mount my other disks (NTFS) in administrator mode (I put the user password to enable it), i can't change the file mode. They are in read only and I want to put them in 700, but I can't. When I try the chmod, it says that files are in read only access. How can I apply the chmod on this files ?

    Thank you very much, for help a newbi user.


    Re: a newbie with some questions

    Originally posted by wilgard

    I have installed the last kunbuntu released and I have some problems.

    1 - I don't find the file /etc/lilo.conf for configurate the boot mode. Does it normal ? Does it exist ?
    No, it doesn't. Kubuntu uses GRUB. The configuration file is /boot/grub/menu.lst

    2 - When I have installed the Kunbuntu, the installer asked me to give a name for my computer and it wants a user name with his password. So, I didn't have given a password for the root account. Does it normal ? I can't log me with the root account, because I didn't have put a password. So, on the log screen, I can log with the user account, but it I try to log with the "root" login, and the same password that the user account, it displays "Root login is not allowed". So, how can i do to log in root mode ?
    By default, both Kubuntu and Ubuntu come without a root account activated. You can perform root functions with the "sudo" command. For example, to change your machine's hostname, you would type sudo hostname mynewhostname, where mynewhostname is the new name. Kubuntu will then prompt you for your password. It is YOUR password--the same one you use to log in.

    3 - As I can't log me in root mode, when I mount my other disks (NTFS) in administrator mode (I put the user password to enable it), i can't change the file mode. They are in read only and I want to put them in 700, but I can't. When I try the chmod, it says that files are in read only access. How can I apply the chmod on this files ?
    The same thing would apply: sudo chmod options filename or
    sudo mount etc.

    It is possible to activate the root command. Enter sudo passwd root. You will be prompted for your password (again, this is YOUR password, the one you use to log in). Then you will be prompted Enter new UNIX password: This is where you wouold enter the new password for the root account. From then on, you can su root.

    Hope this helps!


      Re: a newbie with some questions

      just to add Linux cannot reliably write to NTFS file systems, there is beta software that you can install that will but as I have not used it I cannot tell you how well it works. I would suggest that if possible have a FAT32 partition that can be mounted by both systems.

      Regards John.


        Re: a newbie with some questions

        Actually there's a new NTFS FUSE driver with full read/write support that was just released not long ago in beta called NTFS-3G. There's quick how-to in the ubuntu forums to get that working:

        It works flawlessly here so far, and it's so much easier then rebooting into Windows.


          Re: a newbie with some questions

          Ok, thank you for your help. The sudo command is the best solution for my problem. Now, I just have to convert my NTFS partition into FAT32. So, thank you very much.

