In Kubuntu 18.04 go to Settings/System Settings/Shortcuts/Global shortcuts (click on it), Then look on the bottom left for a plus sign. Click it, locate "Any app" you wish to make a keyboard shortcut for. In your case locate under the system submenu "konsole" click on it, then a dialog box should pop up to click on the shortcut you wish to use. I used ctrl,alt,T. then I made another shortcut for my web browser, by just clicking the plus symbol again to add another shortcut. Just be careful not to use ones that are already being used but it's my guess that plasma is smart enough to warn you if you are. I wouldn't recommend changing any of the default shortcuts. Hope the works for you and helps key me up if it doesn't.
Almost forgot , make sure you click "Apply" after each shortcut is ready, or it won't take.
Almost forgot , make sure you click "Apply" after each shortcut is ready, or it won't take.