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How to use in Dolphin

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    How to use in Dolphin

    I just installed v10.04_x86_64 using a brand new clean HDD (kubuntu only) and I can't connect to any computer on my home network.

    1. I'm trying to use Dolphin's network features and can't use it. Please help.

    2. I also tried to make a shared folder using my documents folder and I can't do this either. Please help.
    a. I right clicked "documents folder"
    b. selected "Share Tab"
    c. It states the following "you need to be authorized to share folders" with a "Configure File Sharing" button below it.
    d. all attempts to use the "Configure File Sharing" options fail.

    I can add the following...

    1. I have the following machines on the home network
    a. kubuntu 9.04 - wired
    b. kbuntu 10.04 - wired
    c. winxp home ed - wireless

    2. I can ping all PCs from any PC. Pinging is successful from any station to any other station.

    3. Using kubuntu 9.04, I can see and transfer files to and from winxp using the command line only. Graphical access using dolphin fails.
    Ex: kub> smbclient //mywinxp_computername/my_shared_foldername <enter>
    smb:> dir <enter> (displays winxp files.)

    4. I have the following file contents on both of the PCs 9.04 and 10.04 ...
    HOSTS.ALLOW -> (modified)
    ALL: :allow
    ALL: 192.168.0. :allow
    SSHD: 192.168.0. :allow

    HOSTS.DENY -> (modified)
    ALL: ALL EXCEPT localhostENY

    HOSTS -> (default install)

    5. I don't have any firewalls active that I know of.
    winxp -> firewall off
    wireless router firewall off
    Does 10.04 and 9.04 use firewalls by default?

    6. Using kubuntu 9.04, when I right click on a folder; select "Properties" and select "Share Tab"
    An option appears - "Share this folder in the local network", which does not appear on my 10.04 PC.
    And if I select this option, then other options become active; such as ...
    "Share with NFS" | NFS Options | Share with Samba | Samba Options

    Again, these do not appear in v10.04 - why?

    7. using the same commands on 10.04 ( smbclient //winxp_computername/my_shared_foldername -> fails. It just hangs. No error messages are displayed.

    Ignore as this is an incompetent spammer, copying/paste content from this thread.
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      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
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