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Kubuntu Instability Problems 6.06

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    Kubuntu Instability Problems 6.06

    I initially installed Kubuntu 6.06 on a system with a Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe motherboard, Athlon 2400+, 512 MB RAM, and GeForce MX 440 video card.

    Later on I started adding software from the repositories and it seems like the system is becoming more and more unstable. I'm getting random system lockups, I mean complete lockups where there is no reponse from anything and you have to do a hard reset. The instability seemed to get really bad after I installed Gnome using the procedure on the Psychocats site.

    As an example, I'll be in KDE and downloading with aMule, playing an MP3 with XMMS, and running Gxmame. I started getting random choppy performance in Gxmame, and then the entire system locked up after about 3 minutes of doing these things.

    Another example, in Gnome I'll be running Firefox and then fire up Synaptic to look for and install some software package I was just reading about. Then after a little bit of disk thrashing the system hard locks as above.

    On the other hand, the system will be fine like if I let it sit overnight with Opera or Firefox, streamtuner, Konqueror, bittorrent, etc, running (for example). It just seems randomly unstable for some reason.

    In particular, was it a bad idea to install Gnome after installing Kubuntu? I'm new to this and it appears that Gnome has it's own set of programs that only work with it, and they seem to use their own special libraries. "Gtk" or something like that? Is it possible there is some conflicts between what Kubuntu installed and all the libraries that Gnome installed? Does Kubuntu have the equivilent of "Windows Services" or "TSR" type executibles? Anything I should be looking for there that I should disable?

    I'm trying to learn the standard troubleshooting practices for Linux. Being in Windows for so long I got to be an expert in what to look for and where to start. In Linux I'm just completley lost so far. It also doesn't help that KDE seems to have a never ending supply of "configuration" menus, text files, and system level programs. Thanks for anyone's help.

    Re: Kubuntu Instability Problems 6.06

    It may be possible that some odd combination of libraries and applications could be at fault here, this is always a possibility with stuff installed from Universe, which (I think) do not get the testing that apps in Main get. Then add in the non-(K)Ubuntu built stuff, and you can get a recipe for instability.

    I personally have not had any issues with instability just by installing gnome-desktop, but have in the past after a few intall-everything-plus-the-kitchen-sink-plus-the-neighbor's-sink sessions.


      Re: Kubuntu Instability Problems 6.06

      Thanks for the response. Actually I had installed "ubuntu-desktop" using Aptitude per the Psychocats guide. I assume the ubuntu-desktop installs more support stuff for ubuntu rather than just Gnome.

      Anyway, last night I decided to uninstall it and go straight back to Kubuntu/KDE. I'm going to leave it this way and see if the stability improves. I actually like Gnome better, and will probably at some point attempt an install of ubuntu-desktop and an uninstall of Kubuntu-desktop. Hopefully that's a safe thing to try!


        Re: Kubuntu Instability Problems 6.06

        Yes, the ubuntu-desktop is simply a package that depends on all the things gnome needs, so it causes a *lot* of things to be installed

        Installing Ubuntu/Xubuntu-desktop is definitely safe to do , I would suggest making sure you back up your files/configs/etc from your /home directory just to play it safe. And if you reinstall from scratch, creating a separate /home partition makes it pretty safe to do a reinstall if there ever is a future problem, without loosing any personalizations


          Re: Kubuntu Instability Problems 6.06

          I ended up uninstalling ubuntu-desktop and everything appears stable again.

