Obviously there's a setting wrong somewhere, but I don't know what it could be. I can easily get the drive to mount once the machine's finished booting, but it's a bit of a pain to have to do this every time I reboot. I've noticed that when the machine boots it says something about a logical block on one of my drives (I think it's the one that's not mounting), but I've no idea what that means or how to correct it. Any suggestions?
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Why Does My Second Harddrive Dismount Every Time I Reboot?
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Re: Why Does My Second Harddrive Dismount Every Time I Reboot?
Right now, no one, including you knows enough to solve your problem and we don't know anywhere near as much as you do. (1) What kind of drives are you talking about: IDE, SATA, USB, removable? (2) What's the difference between the one that mounts and the one that doesn't? (3) Are both drives listed in your /etc/fstab file? (4) Can you show us your /etc/fstab file?
It might help if you were to write down and then pass along to us exactly what that "something about a logical block on one of my drives" is. You might even learn which drive it refers to, and thus figure out whether it has something to do with your problem or not.
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