Good day to you.
I installed Kubuntu a few days ago, replacing MX - I left the /home directory and formatted / , which are on different drives. During installation the computer's name was set to to dave-GE60-2PE and that is what I see when I look in /etc/hostname; in /etc/hosts I see:
But when I open kdeconnect, the name is showing as 'mx'. In my home directory I can see reference to "mx" in .kde/share/config/kdeglobals , but as far as I can tell these are references to the colour scheme (I wonder why they are still there though):
So I am wondering where that device name showing in kdeconnect is set, please?
Thank you
I installed Kubuntu a few days ago, replacing MX - I left the /home directory and formatted / , which are on different drives. During installation the computer's name was set to to dave-GE60-2PE and that is what I see when I look in /etc/hostname; in /etc/hosts I see:
Code: localhost dave-GE60-2PE
[General] ColorScheme=MXcomfortbreeze Name=MX-Comfort-Breeze shadeSortColumn=true widgetStyle=Breeze
So I am wondering where that device name showing in kdeconnect is set, please?
Thank you