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New 2 KDE -show window on taskbar where it is opened only

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    [RESOLVED] New 2 KDE -show window on taskbar where it is opened only


    I am new to KDE Plasma. I like it.
    I am wondering though if there is a way to have a windows taskbar icon follow it when moving between windows?
    I am also wondering if, when opening a window, it opens on the monitor you are opening it on?
    And when you minimize a window, how do I make it so it does not zip from the most extreme left monitor, across the middle one and, minimize on the extreme right one's taskbar?

    Weird crap like that happening and I am sure it's me and my config.

    Any help would be appreciated :-)

    Well - since there is views but no response can I safely assume there IS no way to do what I want done in KDE?

    Going back to Mate would not be out of the question.
    Mate DOES do what I want done.


      Originally posted by yodamin View Post
      I am wondering though if there is a way to have a windows taskbar icon follow it when moving between windows?
      Right-click the task manager on an empty space (if there is none because the task manager is full, right-click one of the entries, and click "More"), click "Configure Task Manager", "Behaviour", and after "Show only tasks:", check "From current screen".

      I am also wondering if, when opening a window, it opens on the monitor you are opening it on?
      tl;dr it's is complicated, and I don't understand all of it with X11, nor any of it with Wayland. But in case someone is interested:
      • In system settings, window management, window behaviour, advanced, I suggest unchecking "allow apps to remember the positions of their windows", and experiment with the placement setting. The "under mouse" setting is funky, after clicking something in the menu or the panel one gets maybe 100 ms to move the mouse pointer to where you want the resulting window to open.
      • Another approach which suits apps that usually have only one window is using system settings. window management, window rules. I took a while to work out how to drive it; I was baffled at first. There's too much to explain here, but I suggest opening an app you want to place, add a new rule, click "Detect Properties" and click on the app window, then on the add property pop-up be sure to select a property to identify the app, and at least one property to set. There's no setting for "screen", but the trick is to realize that with multiple monitors X11 pretends you have one big monitor and the position is relative to the top left; f.ex. with two side by side 1080p monitors, 1920x1080, the monitor on the right starts at position 1921, 1.
      • Many applications honour the "-geometry" setting on the command line. I use that to have separate widgets to start dolphin in particular places in particular directories. For example, to get a 700x500 dolphin window near the bottom left of the second screen (1440p) in my music directory, first I drag dolphin from the menu to a chosen place in a panel, then right-click the icon, and click properties. On the application tab I set the command to "dolphin -geometry 700x500+1921+870 ~/music", and set the name to "music".

      Regards, John Little


        Originally posted by yodamin View Post
        Well - since there is views but no response can I safely assume there IS no way to do what I want done in KDE?

        Going back to Mate would not be out of the question.
        Mate DOES do what I want done.
        I have spent most of the last week debugging some strange behaviour with multi-monitors (I use 4). If I understand correctly, what you are seeing is the standard Kubuntu configuration which is badly broken for multiple monitors - like Gnome, KDE apps in Kubuntu will only open on the screen that the panel launcher is on. Am I correct?

        It gets worse when you use three or more monitors, in that the left most monitor will steal the apps and they will only ever open on that screen, regardless of where they were launched from. This is annoying and stupid. It only happens in (K)ubuntu (as mentioned, Ubuntu does the same thing - if you want the file manager to open on screen 2, you need a panel on screen 2).

        Neon does it right. KDE apps on Neon open where you last left them. So, that way, I only need one panel to control the entire arrangement, not 4.

        Matters become even more complicated when you rotate a screen like I do (the side wings are rotated to portrait).

        Anyway, I am not sure what Kubuntu did to make things work they way they do, but I will either find out and dix it, or I will move to Neon. Neon is basically Kubuntu with a more up-to-date version of KDE and it works properly with the launcher panel. Whatever is wrong is not part of the normal "settings". I have tried every variation of every setting. The whole idea of having to resort to using hard coded rules is outrageous in 2022, not to mention time consuming and klunky.

        The more I dig into this, the less impressed I am with "The Kubuntu Way" of doing things. It works only on basic setups, most standard ways of doing things are overridden by their automation - which gets it wrong. Anyway, do give Neon a try. Otherwise, give me some time and I am sure I will find the solution soon.


          I beleive I had 22.04 LTS when I posted this question. After a bunch of mistakes (my fault)that caused my system to become "broken", I installed 22.10 - this was a bad move.

          John little - thank you. I did figure this out on my own but, I really appreciate the help. It happened a second time when my taskbars "went missing" aftra a reboot and it took me about 2 hours to remember how to do it. It is good to know this "reminder" will always be here for me to take a quick look see.

          Shad - I appreciate your comments as well. I feel your frustration. I am having all kinds of issues with Kubuntu, however, I feel it is my own fault for installing 22.10 instead of 22.04 LTS. I had no clue this was an interim release and though it would eventually become 22.10 LTS and that if it is production ready it must be OK. That was so far from reality I feel I must have been dreaming. 22.10 is FAR from production ready - if I pushed this to the 138,000 employee's at my work I woud get fired for sure. It's buggy as H*LL. Especially with web browsers. The only one that runs without crashing is Brave and that cannot be used for streaming DRM sites like Netflix AFAIK. Vivaldi runs somewhat more stable than the rest but still crashes about 2-4 times during a 4-5 hour Netflix night. 99% of my web browser issues are with streaming (DRM) websites like netflix, disney, prime, crave, amazon etc..

          I have tried Opera,Chrome, Chromium, brave, firefox is useless crashes on opening versions 106, 107, 108 they all crash and are non-usable on my system and 22.10. AND whats up wth Firefox only being available in SNAP now - I mean I can add the firefox ppa and did and when I tried that it was no better tha the snap. Firefox is a REAL hurt on me as I have been suing it since netscape as my main browser and now I can't use it at all. It's ALMOST enough to make me go back to Winblows 10.

          I lose a taskbar from a monitor every 5-10 reboots AND I reboot a lot because of the system hangs. The lock screen constantly hangs on me overnight and I need to push the power button to recover because ctrl+alt+F# keys are non-reponsive so I cannot even resume the session in this way.

          I have ghosting oin my desktop icons (pic attached). In this picture there are actually two folders on my desktop in the upper left corner - the rest is ghosting.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	ghost_images.png
Views:	559
Size:	32.7 KB
ID:	666996

          I have the login ctrl apps crashing when I click reboot off and on or sut down or even logout - it just flashes the task abr and nothing happens for a few seconds then I get the crash pop up that wanst me to send a report. Rinse, reb=peat when this hapens I HAVE to again use the power button. I tried droping to a terminal last tie and doing shutdon -r now and that worked so maybe that will work again in the future.

          SO, am I frustrated - you betcha.
          BUT, I am waiting ona RMA of a 2TB NvMe and will install 22.04 LTS on it and wipe this drive for my Winblows install - I like to keep Winblows around for now as I have been supporitg it for 30 yeras, know it extremely well and do not fully trust my abilities with Linux to completely ditch it yet. Yet being the keyword becaue Winblwos is out and Linux is in for the rest of my life. MS has gone bat **** crazy since Winblwos 10 was released adn I for one refuse to join them in thier quest for renting a terminal from them after I pay 3-5 grand for the f'n termimal!!!. 2-5 years MAX and no mor local accounts on Winblwos - it will be signing onto their servers to use the hardware you paid for. If they want me to use their rented OS and give them all my data they can goddamn well supply the terminal and if not **** em. I'll run Linux as my daily driver. When I learn enough I'll ditch my Winblwos "backup" and have multiple drives with Linux instaleld on them (2-3) and they will be backup enough.
          Attached Files


            I can't bevel how fast some of the "fix"updates come out on Ubuntu and derivatives.
            I have been having Firefox issues for about 3 days or so and I got a bunch of updates today that resolve all of the Firefox issues.

            Compared to Windows this is light speed.

            Thank you to all the dev's that make this happen.

