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UEFI dbx update version 217, Kubuntu Win10Pro dual boot keeps asking for Recovery Key

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    UEFI dbx update version 217, Kubuntu Win10Pro dual boot keeps asking for Recovery Key

    I use a Kubuntu 22.04.1 / Win 10 Pro dual boot. The other day Win 10 Pro started asking for the Recovery Key every time I logged in. I tried everything I could find on the web to fix it but nothing worked.

    So, I removed Kubuntu - reset things on Win 10 Pro (reset/cleared TPM, reset factory keys in bios, re-encrypted things, etc), reinstalled Kubuntu 22.04.1 and updated everything. Same thing, every time I tried to log into Win 10 Pro it kept asking for the recovery key. So I searched the web again. This time I found the UEFI dbx update to version 217 was causing issues for some people.

    I repeated the above but this time I didn't apply the UEFI dbx update to version 217 and now everything works like it should.

    But, now I have the UEFI dbx update to version 217 sitting in the 'Available Updates' in my Kubuntu 22.04.1 that I'm pretty sure will break things again if applied.

    I'm hoping someone may know the work around for this issue ?



    Edit One:

    Well, it worked for a while. I still haven't done the UEFI dbx version 217 update, but none the less Win 10 Pro is back to requiring a recovery key every time I try to log in. Sure hope there is a fix for this.

    I'd hate to have to choose between Kubuntu and Win 10 Pro. I don't like Windows at all any more, but it has the Video and Music recording software I already own and Linux just doesn't have anything as good unfortunately.

    Edit Two:

    I got it working, but I didn't do it properly, at least as it stands...

    I went into the bios and entered the secure boot area, which is enable (which is how I always run it). First I tried clearing and resetting the factory keys. Also tried doing the same with set-up mode but windows still wanted the recovery code every time. So, I went back into the bios and secure boot area. This I cleared the keys and left it in set up mode. Now, I can go to windows and it doesn't ask for a recovery key, HOWEVER there are no longer any keys listed in the secure boot area. So... not sure what to do next...

    Perhaps try clearing and resetting the TPM in Windows


    Edit Two:

    So, I have it back up and running again.
    Essentially, I guess I had this happen again, or similar to it at least:
    Couldn't Create Moklist: Volume Full - grub doesn't start at all

    Last time I had a very quick 'no name' update from Microsoft while logged into Win 10 Pro.
    This time it seems that 'UEFI dbx update to version 217' via Kubuntu updates caused the issue.
    I really beginning to dislike this whole 'secure boot' 'TPM' thing to say the least, anyways...

    The same commands as last time save the day again:

    // get efibootmgr
    sudo apt-get install efibootmgr

    // run efibootmgr
    sudo efibootmgr

    // remove unused boot entries
    sudo efibootmgr -b 0005 -B
    Take note that 0005 could be 0004, 0006, etc

    B​UT !!! I had to go into my bios and put the secure boot in update mode, clear all keys, then go into Win 10 Pro and clear the TPM (remember to reboot back into windows to complete this step), then go boot up on my Kubuntu persistent USB and use the above commands to clear everything out (except those that have the asterisk mark by them). Then, go back into bios and make sure secure boot is enabled, restore factor factory keys, etc. And then RE-INSTALL KUBUNTU FROM SCRATCH...

    Not sure if all these steps are necessary, but for me it was the only way I could get things to work on my Gateway laptop from Walmart and I tried about every combination of things I could think of (probably dropped my ssd life down by 25% - lol). Anyways...

    Hopefully next time this happens (well, hopefully it never happens again, but if it does) I will remember the above three commands and try those first and see what happens.

    If for some reason the issue starts back up I'll do my best to come back and start Update Three type thing.
    Last edited by jnessman; Oct 22, 2022, 08:18 AM.