I started using Red Hat Linux in 1995, moved from that through Mandriva, Kubuntu, OpenSUSE, and last week to Fedora, which has made me very unhappy. I can't get any of the servers working, not Apache, ftp, or nfs, and there's no GUI to configure and start them. Editing files by hand without a clear set of steps to follow really stinks. I don't have time or interest in searching through wordy files all month long or cryptic man pages to figure out what has to be done, one subsystem at a time.
My question is, does Kubuntu currently have a decent GUI system (better than OpenSUSE's Yast,) which makes starting and configuring the servers actually easy and foolproof?
My question is, does Kubuntu currently have a decent GUI system (better than OpenSUSE's Yast,) which makes starting and configuring the servers actually easy and foolproof?