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Thinking of making the Kubuntu switch...

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    Thinking of making the Kubuntu switch...

    Hi all

    I'm a self confessed Linux newb and am thinking of downloading and installing Kubuntu for the first time.

    I have used Ubuntu (the most recent version, Dapper is it?) and found it really good in terms of ease of use but I also like the idea of KDE (as I also like KXDocker and Superkaramba).

    I have a few questions relating to the 64bit version of Kubuntu before I decide to make the switch from my current Linux experiment (Freespire). Basically I want things to just work! I want to watch WMV files, Flash files, encode and play MP3's, watch DVD's etc and want to do this the easiest way possible.

    So my question is, should I download the 64bit version of Kubuntu or stick with the 32bit version considering this:

    (1) I have an AMD64 chip, and found with Ubuntu (64 bit) there were too many problems including getting Wine, DVD playback and other multimedia codes, to work (I'd end up having to use the 32 bit packages and it was just too complicated for me). Should I stay away from the 64bit version of Kubuntu and install the 32 bit version instead? I'm thinking of installing the 32 bit version because of the ease of using Automatix and getting everything to work (which doesn't work in the 64 bit environment).

    (2) Currently I have Freespire installed and find the KDE environment a little slow. Does KDE under Kubuntu operate smoothly and as fast as Ubuntu's GNOME desktop?

    Thanks everyone! Hope to hear your responses soon!

    Re: Thinking of making the Kubuntu switch...

    I would stick with the 32bit version. Like you said, things like wine and the win32codecs won't work on 64bit without using a chroot.
    In my experience KDE runs just as well in Kubuntu as Gnome in Ubuntu, and soon, (with the 2.6.17 kernel) things will run even faster

