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I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

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    I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

    I've tried a handful of distros, Mandriva, SUSE, Ubuntu, and now Kubuntu. And Kubuntu's the only one I haven't (after troubleshooting without help) been able to connect to the internet with.

    What worked before is using KPPP to have my external Creative Modem Blaster V.96 dialup modem connect to my dialup ISP. I also have an internal Lucent ltmodem that I don't use in Linux. To the best of my knowledge, doing exactly what I did in SUSE to connect to the internet doesn't work. This constitutes adding a modem, putting it to TTYS0 (I don't think I have it capitalized the same way it actually is written on the window), setting the modem speed to whatever the 56xxx number was, turning off the lock file thing, adding my ISP with the phone number, and dialing after entering my username and password to dialup to the internet.

    When I start KPPP, it complains about something with /etc/[Iforgetwhatgoeshere]/resolve.conf . When I click Dial, it makes all of the noises, goes pretty far. And then will either die and redial, or (I forget how I had it adjusted to do this) will say "logging into the network," and never quit "trying to log into the network." During the "redialing situation," I can hear what I think is the dialup "hang-up click" between redials. Please, please help me.


    Re: I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

    It would be helpful, if you could tell us what that error message really said about your /etc/resolv.conf file. Actually, if you got your internet connection running in Ubuntu (and you have the room), go back to Ubuntu, set up your system and then install the package "kubuntu-desktop". That's the only difference between the two.

    I suggest, though, that you start with a look at your /etc/resolv.conf file, It should have three lines that say something like
    nameserver #.#.#.#
    nameserver #.#.#.#
    where the #s stand for numbers between 0 and 255. You may have to re-enter those numbers. You can find them from your ISP's tech support line (ask for the IP addresses of the primary and secondary domain name servers) or from the windows registry.


      Re: I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

      Well, I haven't been able to get the resolv.conf error to come up again. I'm not sure what I did. But I still can't establish a successful internet connection. However, I do get this error message after trying to connect:

      The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!
      Exit status: 1
      See 'man pppd' for an explanation of the error codes or take a look at the kppp FAQ on

      kppp's diagnosis (just guessing):
      Unable to provide help.
      Please refer to /usr/share/doc/kppp/README.Debian for more information.

      And my log was:

      CONNECT 57600


      At the moment, I've managed to have a laptop connect to the internet, and share the connection with my computer, but I can't keep the laptop next to my computer forever!

      resolv.conf says:



      That must have changed when I typed in the DNS servers when setting up the shared internet. Have a direction for me to go?


        Re: I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

        Your log seems to be showing a successful connection. But doesn't showe any startup dialog with the host. "man pppd", which seems to be a bit formidable for a new user, reveals that error 1 is: "An immediately fatal error of some kind occurred, such as an essential system call failing, or running out of virtual memory.". Kppp is supposed to shield you from that kind of thing.

        I can also tell you that both of the nameserver addresses that are listed in your /etc/resolv.conf file do belong to the same ISP, although I have no idea if they are, in fact, nameservers.

        You may find some hints about what went wrong by looking at the files /etc/ppp/options and ~/.ppprc (notice the dot). They should show the commands that are supposed to go back and forth to get hooked up with your ISP. Do you need to enter a password? If so, that may be the source of the problem. If the password is incorrect, your ISP may refuse the connection.


          Re: I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

          having just spent some time in dialup-land ( a cold, lonely place ), I think I know the possible problem:
          This ubuntu wiki entry
          basically, you probably have to edit the file specified:
           kdesu kwrite /etc/ppp/peers/kppp-options
          and remove the "#" from the line that says "noauth".
          Try that, and see if that works for you.


            Re: I can't figure out how to get on the internet!

            well, /.ppprc is completely empty. No idea whether my /etc/ppp/options is a problem or not. And my password is correct.

            Uncommenting /etc/ppp/peers/kppp-options made progress! I was able to connect to the internet and remain connected. However, I haven't been able to make use of any program that needs the internet. Pinging and (my ISP), I have numerous "unknown host"s after a long wait. I'm guessing that this means something's wrong with my DNS list. I haven't tried pinging individual IPs yet.

