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Does not open at all!

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    Does not open at all!

    Im a newbie in the big Linux world, I was happy when I instaled Kubuntu, but now, I'm thinking about throwing my laptop far far away by the window!

    The screen where you see (logo) Kunbuntu with a progess bar and down that the program or I don't know what loading writhing ok beside, its load!


    BUT, then I get the same page, without things loading, and when I press the power button, he shutdown everything, same process that when he open everything but with shutdown in front!!!!!

    So i can't do nothing, Kubuntu graphic never come, i cant write any command line!

    What can I do, do make that work! I'm about to think that Linux is bull****, windows at least made something work almost everythime, at least, it boot!


    Re: Does not open at all!

    Have you tried safe mode?


      Re: Does not open at all!

      You aren't being very articulate, but from what I can gather your loadup goes like this:

      (1) One load screen goes fine.

      (2) Another load screen comes up with a progress bar, but no more things to load.

      If that's how it goes, it probably means your video driver is broken:

      (1) Start up the computer.

      (2) Press ESC several times when you see mention of GRUB.

      (3) Use the arrow keys to select the kernel version that says "recovery mode." Press ENTER.

      (4) Now it will load several things and you will finally be left at a root terminal. This says root@***** :

      (5) Type: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf That's case sensitive, so you have to capitalize the "X" Press ENTER.

      (6) This should bring up your video config file in a text editor called nano. Scroll down to a line that metions your video card. If you don't know what you should be looking for when I say that, you should find the manual or manufacturer's site for your laptop. It should tell you.

      (7) Change the driver in quotes under the mention of your videocard to "vga"

      (8) Hit CTRL+O to save the document. Hit CTRL+X to quit. At the terminal you should be back to, type "reboot" and wait for it to restart.

      (9) Report back to me if you still have problems. If you switched back to Windows already, you've wasted my time. Shame on you if you have.


        Re: Does not open at all!

        Snif snif snif,

        I'm note sure if I've done the right thing, It was wrote "via" I change it for "vga"

        Still the same error. Here is a link of what I get :

        Sorry for my bad english
        Thanks for your help

        And I doesnt swtich to windows, I dont want to swicht, I want this working ! hehe



          Re: Does not open at all!

          Hold on. Don't leave the forum yet. Did you install this with the desktop cd or the alternate cd? If you used the desktop cd, did the display work correctly. Has this installation ever worked at all?


          PS Didn't mean to insult your grammar, especially if you're not a native English speaker.


            Re: Does not open at all!

            Yes, its work 2 weeks! I put one some musique, install some games, and was enjoying it!

            And yesterday night, when I start it... Fneh! Doesnt work at all, i said to myself, I'll it tomorrow, but its was the problem still there

            So yes, its work, and now it doesnt work anymore

            And when I install it 3 weeks ago. My USB key worked one time! I didnt want to fix it, so I just format, but now i get another problem, and I dont want to format every1 time en get an error lol!

            P.S.: I dont take it as an insult I know my english is broken, I learn to speak english on video game. Im french.


              Re: Does not open at all!

              Is there any reason that you can't just reinstall?

              PS That's interesting I'm now starting French I in school after a catastrophic failiure in Latin.

              EDIT: Your usb key wouldn't have broken an install under any circumstance. You must have done something with the video.


                Re: Does not open at all!

                No raison why I can't reinstall unless I've dowload 2 Cd on it and the game installed, all that can be redo really easily, but if the problem accure again! I'll format every time i get a problem ?!?

                P.S.: Sweet! I never had latin at school, but I'm good anough in french to help you if you had any problem! As you help you me with Linux, hehe


                  Re: Does not open at all!

                  Yes I done something with the video!

                  I try to install my computer on a projector, and make the projector second screen, never work! But I restart few time in that process and everything was fine, unless the projector was in clone with my primary screen stand of being a second screen!



                    Re: Does not open at all!


                    I had Windows installed on my laptop before I evolve, and get Linux. evolve... maybe not because with Windows i was able, with EasyWorship, to install a projector, and project thing in the projector that was not on my primary window.

                    I've found something seems to work a bit like easyWorship, with Kubuntu (Linux, debian exactly and Kubuntu is from debian... I think uh), this program name LyriCue, website

                    Maybe taking a look to the website will help you to understand what I mean, my labtop is almost just for that utility, so will be very usefull if it can work well hehe lol



                      Re: Does not open at all!

                      I sent you an email, padre but I guess you didn't notice it:

                      Here's what I think you should do. OK, Sunday is rapidly approaching.
                      I didn't realize I was holding up a service of yours, or even what
                      your job was. If you need to get this done fast before tomorrow to
                      give a sermon, you're just going to need to dual-boot with windows.
                      This via chipset just doesn't seem to have drivers provided by the
                      manufacturer and it is unlikely that you'll be able to get the
                      configuration you want with the built-in open source driver. So
                      regardless of whether you can make this sermon software work, you
                      cannot make the second display (your projector) work. Wait. Stop.
                      Important Linux concept.


                      Now that we're clear on that, we can move on. OK, pop in that windows
                      disc. If it's a retail install disc, you can set windows to take up
                      only half of your drive. If it's a 'restore disc,' you will have to
                      just go with what it wants to do to your hard disk. Proceed as you
                      normally would with your windows install and get the software for your
                      job working. We'll talk about getting Linux running again tomorrow or
                      whenever you initiate conversation next.

                      You're welcome,

