Hello, I got IBUS installed so I can input East Asian script. I have a few questions as it doesn't run as smoothly as I'd hoped. Here's my setup:
MacBook 2008 with German keyboard and kubuntu 16.04 installed. My questions:
1. How do I get IBUS to start when the system starts up or when I log in? Right now I start IBUS Preferences and click 'yes' when the dialogue asks me it I'd like to fire up the daemon.
2. In 99% of the cases I don't get input areas in programs or on websites to receive input from IBUS PinYin. Sometimes I see the candidate bar pop up when I type something but it happens very erratically and I can't put my finger on what condition needs to be met for this to happen. Once I got lucky in the terminal (where I least need Chinese input really) and I think it worked once in a browser window, too, but then couldn't be switched back to plain keyboard input. How do I make it function properly?
MacBook 2008 with German keyboard and kubuntu 16.04 installed. My questions:
1. How do I get IBUS to start when the system starts up or when I log in? Right now I start IBUS Preferences and click 'yes' when the dialogue asks me it I'd like to fire up the daemon.
2. In 99% of the cases I don't get input areas in programs or on websites to receive input from IBUS PinYin. Sometimes I see the candidate bar pop up when I type something but it happens very erratically and I can't put my finger on what condition needs to be met for this to happen. Once I got lucky in the terminal (where I least need Chinese input really) and I think it worked once in a browser window, too, but then couldn't be switched back to plain keyboard input. How do I make it function properly?