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Moved from Mandriva to Kubuntu

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    Moved from Mandriva to Kubuntu

    Hi everybody,

    I have moved from Mandriva to Kubuntu a couple of days ago.

    The first thing I have done after installing 6.0.6 drape is mounting my "old" /home/ folder in order that Kubuntu recognize is at boot time, it worked fine.

    After that, I created my mandriva-user under Kubuntu giving it /home/mandriva-user as default folder, I felt in a passworsd and it was OK.

    But, when I tried to log in with the mandriva-user, things went wrong > as KDE (3.5.2 version) directly put a terminal console instead of opening the KDE desktop that I had on Mandriva.

    The User, Groupe, Id are correct but it seems that my problem is dued to a X session which is miss configured.

    Do you have any idea on what is going wrong ? and above all what I have to do to fix it ?

    Oups !!! when I tried to start startx, I got this
    x : user not authorized to run the X server
    Thanks you folks

    Re: Moved from Mandriva to Kubuntu

    Welcome to Kubuntu. I used Mandrake through 10.1, then switched to Debian before discovering Kubuntu. I think you'll like this distro.

    Your error message is a little puzzling because X is "rwsr-sr-- root root". so everyone should be able to use it with setuid. Can you verify that /usr/bin/X has ownership and permissions as I have described and that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a link to /usr/bin/X?


      Re: Moved from Mandriva to Kubuntu

      Hi Al,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I have fixed the problme simply by creating a new user and then move all the files I need to the new user home directory. After that, I've ran chown and now, everything is all right.

      C U

