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    I expected to see my name at the end of your reply, in any event me too

    I hope your wife is fully recovered and did not have too much pain. I have two great children and two wonderful grandchildren. The 16 year old wears glasses, in fact many younger people wear glasses and could use the feature I so desire.

    You made me laugh, my friend. GOD is so good even to the undeserving, like me. I love HIM completely and hope he keeps me. I believe HE will keep most of the GURUs of this forum, such a giving and kind bunch. Shab

    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
    I know EXACTLY what you are experiencing, Shab!
    Bifocals ... I hate'm but can't function without them.
    In my youth I'd ride my bike 15-20 miles into the mountains west of Englewood (south Denver), or as far east (Cherry Creek reservoir) to hunt and fish.
    In college I'd run a mile each way each day to and from my part time job. All that quit in grad school, but I still have a resting heart rate in the mid 50s. (Used to be 45-50).
    From a cross-legged squatting position on the floor I used to be able to raise myself to a standing position with just my legs. I once lifted a regular refrigerator by myself, using straps, and carried it up the back door steps and into the kitchen.
    Now, my legs alone can't life my body out of a chair and I can no longer run, or even jog. I have to push up with my arms at the same time if I want to stand upright. Pick something up off the floor? If I bend my legs to lower myself too much I won't be able to straighten back up, Luckily, my arms are barely long enough to reach the floor.
    The chest has sagged and become my gut, and the lats have settled on my hips.
    No hair, except in my ears and nose and eyebrows.
    My memory is just a memory, and is fading fast, but I won't miss it because I won't remember I ever had it.
    But, I have no complaints. I've been blessed. A great life with a wonderful wife who survived two major operations last year, two great kids and three wonderful grandchildren. God is good!


      For some reason, my K16 OS opens faster than K14. Sound and picture seem a little better too. Nevertheless, when I select the kmenu on the panel, there is a pause before opening, and everything slows down after an hour or so of using.

      The Plasma widgets do not work as well as in K14 either.

      K16 opens a very attractive opening. In fact, I don't have the same feeling about what I see in K16.10. Visuals are important to me, and I like color.

      I haven't seen much that would make me believe others are having a similar experience, so I just waited for the new issue, hoping it would work better in my computer.

      I am going to read up on screen scaling as soon as I have answered all the replies. It sounds like an answer to my prayers, if it is becoming a reality in future applications. Thanks for the input, friend. Shab

      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
      Okay, 14.04 doesn't have Screen Scaling as a configuration option. That's too bad, as I think it is exactly what you are looking for. It is available in 16.04 and 16.10.


        Me too. Isn't it something that such a quality film can be watched with highest level of enjoyment and no one is murdered and no bad language. Many of the films of my youth were just as fun to watch without current trends, and without those things they are equally enjoyable. For me, more enjoyable. Language has taken a real beating in recent years.

        If you can access Netflix, "Pay It Forward" is a nice view. Shab

        Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
        From "It's a Wonderful Life!", one of my favorite movies.


          I love growing old; I don't even mind most of the inconveniences. I come from a genetic line that punishes the males. Before my father 47 was oldest; my father lived to 53. I am 73 and still kicking, with GreyGreek's experiences. Shab

          Originally posted by andystmartin View Post
          I like to say:
          -- Growing old is not for sissies.

          -- Youth is wasted on the young.


            Thanks, this was great. I still have a little problem with root dolphin, The menu, as well as, other entries remains fine print and very hard to read. Is this something I can change? Thanks! Shab By the way, I love the improvement.

            Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
            One thing that I think got missed; Shab's root dolphin issue.

            The root account has its own settings; you have to do it as root, but you can copy ~/.config/dolphinrc to /root/.config/dolphinrc if you wanted to.

            Slightly more elegant but requiring a little more work would be to run systemsettings as root; it can be done fairly easily but requires you to assign a password to the root account and add a symlink to kdesu to make things work - if you wanted to you could use the same password for the root account so you wouldn't have to remember a different password if you wanted to use kdesu instead of kdesudo.

            Something like this:
            sudo passwd root
            Next we need to create a symlink to kdesu so it's in your path - that looks like this:
            sudo ln -s /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu /bin/kdesu
            Then you can do this:
            kdesu dbus-run-session systemsettings5
            and you'll have access to the same systemsettings interface for the root account that you have for your normal user account. You can even create a .desktop file for this and call it from a menu

            If you want to run dolphin as root the only way I've been able to make it work correctly is like this:
            kdesu dbus-run-session dolphin
            Hope this helps

            edit: I completely missed that Shab isn't running Plasma5. Please disregard most of what I said above


              Tellya what I do, Shab - once I get things pretty much the way I want them I copy most every KDE config file from ~/.config to /root/.config. After that I open a pair of systemsettings windows - one for my normal user and one for root and then just make sure everything is set the same. Copying ~/.config/kdeglobals to the root account should help considerably.

              Hope this helps -
              we see things not as they are, but as we are.
              -- anais nin


                Shab my old friend I'm afraid that what I will be offer in the nonce will not help you "in main" because of the cost but possibly for others "in small".



                  Fortunately I have a SmartTV, 32" that works well as a monitor and two other monitors, so I have your reply on one, Dolphin opened to the .config opened on another screen, and Root Dolphin opened on the third monitor. There are only 3 entries in the Root Dolphin .config directory, but there are 29 in the regular Dolphin .config directory. In the latter 5 are txt files and the others are folders. In the Root Dolphin .config directory, one is txt and two are folders.

                  So I am sure I won't screw things up in the process, do I drag and drop the folders and txt documents from Dolphin to Root Dolphin? I will be modifying the Root Directory so much, I am concerned. I am not that knowledgeable.

                  With your blessing in an additional reply, I will make the change. I am pretty stupid and want to confirm I understand correctly before I continue. Thanks for your understanding, my friend. Shab

                  Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                  Tellya what I do, Shab - once I get things pretty much the way I want them I copy most every KDE config file from ~/.config to /root/.config. After that I open a pair of systemsettings windows - one for my normal user and one for root and then just make sure everything is set the same. Copying ~/.config/kdeglobals to the root account should help considerably.

                  Hope this helps -


                    Hello again, Shab

                    The reason there are only a couple of config files in root's home directory is there are only one or two applications that you run as root

                    I took the entire .config directory from my home and copied it to root's home. If you rename the old /root/.config before you do so you can always put things back the way they were. As long as you can put it back the way it was before you started messing with it you can do pretty much anything you want
                    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                    -- anais nin


                      Yahoo!! I don't know if I will have any problems yet, but when I re-opened Dolphin in Root, I could read everything. At least in part I will improve things. Thank you so much.

                      I should have remembered that. The minute I read your reply, it stirred memories of things I might do. Even if everything doesn't change as well, I am happy that Dolphin has responded.

                      This is, without a doubt, the best forum on the Internet. You guys are so patient with me and so wonderful in your helps. When I get particularly happy, I break out in laughter. I am still laughing with joy. Shab

                      Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
                      Hello again, Shab

                      The reason there are only a couple of config files in root's home directory is there are only one or two applications that you run as root

                      I took the entire .config directory from my home and copied it to root's home. If you rename the old /root/.config before you do so you can always put things back the way they were. As long as you can put it back the way it was before you started messing with it you can do pretty much anything you want

