So I guess I've been using Kubuntu problem-free for a couple of years now, so I've been spared a lot of tinkering with internal workings. Makes me a dangerous n00b.
Up until just recently, I used to boot up my notebook, GRUB would start, and I'd be prompted twice for my hard drive encryption password. Once for my normal partition /sda5, and a second time for my encrypted swap folder. Now, I start up my netbook, GRUB gives me what I would normally see, I enter my password once, and it fails out to the initramfs prompt.
After a bunch of mounting fails, I'm greeted with: Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.
I'm uncertain what version of Kubuntu I'm running, though looking through a bunch of .ISOs I've downloaded in the past suggests I might have been running Kubuntu 15.04 32-bit. I get a message saying starting version 219, and my GRUB version is 2.02~beta2-22ubuntu1.5 if that helps narrow things down at all.
Poking around the internet, I found a bunch of links that suggest a variety of fdisk commands to get me going again with a live USB boot, but it seems to me as though the fact my partition is encrypted is now screwing me over. Am I right in assuming that my drive needs to be UN-mounted for that to work, and it has to BE mounted to get by the encryption?
At this point, I've managed to Clonezilla the hard drive elsewhere in case it comes in handy for undoing my attempts at fixing things, though I'd really rather avoid needing to backtrack by getting proper guidance in the first place. That's where YOU, yes YOU come in! How should I go about taking on this encrypted drive problem?
Up until just recently, I used to boot up my notebook, GRUB would start, and I'd be prompted twice for my hard drive encryption password. Once for my normal partition /sda5, and a second time for my encrypted swap folder. Now, I start up my netbook, GRUB gives me what I would normally see, I enter my password once, and it fails out to the initramfs prompt.
After a bunch of mounting fails, I'm greeted with: Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.
I'm uncertain what version of Kubuntu I'm running, though looking through a bunch of .ISOs I've downloaded in the past suggests I might have been running Kubuntu 15.04 32-bit. I get a message saying starting version 219, and my GRUB version is 2.02~beta2-22ubuntu1.5 if that helps narrow things down at all.
Poking around the internet, I found a bunch of links that suggest a variety of fdisk commands to get me going again with a live USB boot, but it seems to me as though the fact my partition is encrypted is now screwing me over. Am I right in assuming that my drive needs to be UN-mounted for that to work, and it has to BE mounted to get by the encryption?
At this point, I've managed to Clonezilla the hard drive elsewhere in case it comes in handy for undoing my attempts at fixing things, though I'd really rather avoid needing to backtrack by getting proper guidance in the first place. That's where YOU, yes YOU come in! How should I go about taking on this encrypted drive problem?