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Problem, desperatly need help.

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    Problem, desperatly need help.

    I cannot log in to Kubuntu. I installed a theme manager, and a new theme for KDM, and it is messed up, and I cannot log in, Only Ctrl+Alt+Del and shut down/restart. What can I do, can I boot or switch to some kind of terminal, to log in, then change the theme, to the default?

    Are there any other shortcuts, to log in?

    Thanks for any help


    Re: Problem, desperatly need help.

    I'm not sure, I understand your problem. Can you get into KDE by shutting down and restarting? Or do you get something else when you rebbot? If so, what do you see?

    By the way, I don't know if this is relevant or not, since I don't understand your problem, but if you have Gnome installed, you can use gdm to start KDE, just as you can use KDM to start Gnome. Just change the file /etc/X11/default-display-manager from "/usr/bin/kdm" to "/usr/sbin/gdm".


      Re: Problem, desperatly need help.

      You can always tap escape at the mention of GRUB on start up and choose recovery mode to get to a root terminal. I just don't know anything about themes and could not help fix yours.


