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Installing Kubuntu for the 7th time this summer.. It's impossible to use Kubuntu

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    Installing Kubuntu for the 7th time this summer.. It's impossible to use Kubuntu

    I've literally done everything, followed every guide. Bought new hardware (though when I did that, it wiped my last Kubuntu so I waited to install it again) and still problems freaking problems after problems...

    I don't freaking understand. The first time was great, only problem is, there weren't a single driver for my GPU because it was sooo new at the time. So I reinstalled reinstalled, put older drivers on to see if it works
    and nothing.

    Here is where I am stuck. I am dual booting windows 8.1 and Kubuntu on the same HDD (first time I did this, last time was on another HDD, which, btw, somehow decided to wipe my HDD when I put it on my other HDD). So when I went into the partitioning table to partition the drives, I added a 130GB /home ext4 partition, 26GB root partition and a 6.3gb swap partition. Then I proceeded to installing Kubuntu 14.04.4 on the drive. So I reboot and guess what? I can't find either windows nor Kubuntu. Crazy right? No this happens every single time I do something with k\Kubuntu. I would really freaking love to use this OS again... but this bull **** is ridiculous. Why is it impossible for my to install Kubuntu along side windows? Can someone tell me that? Can someone tell me why my files keep wiping? Like I just want some freaking answers... because this is freaking pathetic.

    Also, a GRUB menu did not even appear. And I was going thru UEFI firmware.

    Any help would be appreciated, but I am at a lost for hope now.

    I APOLIGIZE that your post has gone so long without a reply.

    NORMALLY.... the folks here are well off the mark to respond.

    I, personally think, that it is the HIGHLY PREGNANT statment: "windows 8.1".

    That, particularly, is why I do "clean installs" on new metal. (duuh that I used Knoppix" to wipe.) lol.

    But ....dunno.....I'm not too bright..... Windblows, especially the last few LOST TO EVEN MICROSHAFT....iterations have been....well bolluxed.

    So,.... hang tight...I am sure that someone much smarter than me will pop in and solve the situation!!



      I personally have PC-BSD, Ubuntu, Arch, & Windows 10 all on seperate HDD's. Would you be able to get another HDD? Anyway, when dual-booting on a single HD- I would use a gparted livecd to partition the disk first. Then install windows before Linux. You might look at trying SolydXK, Manjaro, Apricity or Antergos if kubuntu is giving you problems

      Could you list more info about your computer?

      Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
      Last edited by jpenguin; Aug 27, 2016, 01:13 AM.
      Registered Linux User 545823


        Hi Jessedevid4,

        No wonder you are so much frustrated. You have not given details about your system. Kubuntu is well built with dedicated individuals doing a lot of work, but we need to understand that companies come up with so many new hardware and there is copy-write issue also. I am a new user of Kubuntu and I installed almost 9 times before I got the a grip on it. I have one hard disk with dedicated Kubuntu 16.04 installed and one more with WinDoz 7 plus Kubuntu. Both are working fine. My graphics adopter is a simple one. All drivers are there and work fine. No time I have faced a failed install or a blank screen after installation. It sure looks like your graphics adopter is giving problem.

        If you give more details of your hardware like which motherboard, graphics adopter with model, people here may try to help out. There are highly educated, experienced users here prepared to help using their valuable time .

        When we need help we need to give more details so that they can understand what is happening.


          I had hell installing Kubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 10. This was 100% due to my ignorance of computers, terms, all that stuff. The guys here stuck with me and saw it through (I remain grateful to this day). If you'll read through my 49 page thread of fellow members getting me through it, you should be just fine. Most of the thread is them having to explain stuff to me. I believe you have the knowledge and skills to sail through it. Copy / paste the relevant information to a new text file and march on. (and try not to shake your head and laugh while reading it). Good luck.
          Kubuntu 14.04 / KDE 4.13.3 / GRUB Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
          HP15 -
          -f033wm Laptop / CPU: Intel / GPU: Intel Corporation Atom Processor / RAM: 8GB / Hard Drive: 1 each / Seagate / Optical Drive: HP DVDRW GUB0N / Windows 10


            Originally posted by logan01 View Post
            I had hell installing Kubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 10. This was 100% due to my ignorance of computers, terms, all that stuff. The guys here stuck with me and saw it through (I remain grateful to this day). If you'll read through my 49 page thread of fellow members getting me through it, you should be just fine. Most of the thread is them having to explain stuff to me. I believe you have the knowledge and skills to sail through it. Copy / paste the relevant information to a new text file and march on. (and try not to shake your head and laugh while reading it). Good luck.
            That series of posts were made while my wife was recovering from heart surgery, so I missed it. That was a great read, all 49 pages!
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Well, your post GG inspired me to do same--re-read the thread. Now: Pooped! Glad it is beer-thirty here.
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                It's a classic; embarrassingly so; but a classic nevertheless.

                And so exciting!

                Kubuntu 14.04 / KDE 4.13.3 / GRUB Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
                HP15 -
                -f033wm Laptop / CPU: Intel / GPU: Intel Corporation Atom Processor / RAM: 8GB / Hard Drive: 1 each / Seagate / Optical Drive: HP DVDRW GUB0N / Windows 10


                  Originally posted by logan01 View Post
                  I had hell installing Kubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 10. This was 100% due to my ignorance of computers, terms, all that stuff. The guys here stuck with me and saw it through (I remain grateful to this day). If you'll read through my 49 page thread of fellow members getting me through it, you should be just fine. Most of the thread is them having to explain stuff to me. I believe you have the knowledge and skills to sail through it. Copy / paste the relevant information to a new text file and march on. (and try not to shake your head and laugh while reading it). Good luck.
                  Awesome thread,

                  highly informative for a newbie or an up and running with half knowledge like me. Takes quite some time going through all links. First thing I did was downloaded gparted live image. Thanks for the link to good learning link. This also shows how everyone will contribute to help you.


                    It's a classic; embarrassingly so; but a classic nevertheless.
                    That was a lot for a newcomer to tackle. Not embarrassing, as it looks like you caught every ball we threw your way!
                    (Unless you mean it was embarrassing for us helpers dragging a*s to get you through it )
                    Last edited by Qqmike; Aug 29, 2016, 07:24 AM.
                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
                      That was a lot for a newcomer to tackle. Not embarrassing, as it looks like you caught every ball we threw your way!
                      (Unless you mean it was embarrassing for us helpers dragging a*s to get you through it )
                      I knew I'd likely stick with it if ya'll didn't punt. Super human effort on ya'lls part.
                      Kubuntu 14.04 / KDE 4.13.3 / GRUB Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
                      HP15 -
                      -f033wm Laptop / CPU: Intel / GPU: Intel Corporation Atom Processor / RAM: 8GB / Hard Drive: 1 each / Seagate / Optical Drive: HP DVDRW GUB0N / Windows 10


                        Originally posted by vsmmath View Post
                        Awesome thread,

                        highly informative for a newbie or an up and running with half knowledge like me. Takes quite some time going through all links. First thing I did was downloaded gparted live image. Thanks for the link to good learning link. This also shows how everyone will contribute to help you.
                        It's informative for sure. I need to go through it and see if I can extract the relevant material to create a tutorial. There's gold in them there hills.
                        Kubuntu 14.04 / KDE 4.13.3 / GRUB Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
                        HP15 -
                        -f033wm Laptop / CPU: Intel / GPU: Intel Corporation Atom Processor / RAM: 8GB / Hard Drive: 1 each / Seagate / Optical Drive: HP DVDRW GUB0N / Windows 10


                          Originally posted by logan01 View Post
                          It's informative for sure. I need to go through it and see if I can extract the relevant material to create a tutorial. There's gold in them there hills.

                          And you would be the perfect one to write it, logan01, because you know what was in your own mind while trying to interpret the instructions from Qqmike and others.

                          On one occasion I was attempting to help a relative who lived 1,500 miles away install the LiveCD I sent to him. He would describe to me where he was at and I would offer suggestions about what to do next: "do you see that "X" in the upper right corner of the application?" The problem was that he did not understand the difference between an "application" and the OS itself. Eventually we got it installed well enough so he could run it. Later I got him to install skype so that I could watch his screen remotely while he ran it. I'd tell him to "move your mouse to the upper right corner of the application and click the "X"" He'd move his mouse to upper left corner, or the lower left corner, or click on something in the panel or system tray. "Why are you moving your mouse there?" or "Why did you click that?" I'd ask. I got to the point that I told him to follow my directions when moving the moiuse ..."up" "up" "father up" "stop! now move left" "left" "Farther left" ... etc...

                          Then came the age of TeamViewer. After he fired it up I'd take control of his Kubuntu and do what I had to do to fix his problem, or install an app, or remove one, or change a configuration, or show him how to do something.

                          Late last year he got his first iPhone and an iPad. He hasn't been on his laptop since.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            TeamViewer? Didn't know such an animal existed. Similar to the old remote login deal I reckon. Other than businesses and such, I thought that capability was reserved only for the big boys like Microsoft, HP, etc. I go through that kind of stuff on a near daily basis wall age groups here. Drives me mad at times but I just reflect on my needing help now and then. Play it forward.
                            Kubuntu 14.04 / KDE 4.13.3 / GRUB Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
                            HP15 -
                            -f033wm Laptop / CPU: Intel / GPU: Intel Corporation Atom Processor / RAM: 8GB / Hard Drive: 1 each / Seagate / Optical Drive: HP DVDRW GUB0N / Windows 10


                              So... did jessedavid4 really want help or had he already decided to go back to a Windoze-only environment?

                              Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
                              Registered Linux User 545823

