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Wireless hard blocked after suspend

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    Originally posted by goldrush View Post
    Yes I did use an iPhone hotspot when I ran the script, with the connection between my computer and hotspot setup correctly. However, it should not be the hotspot that is the issue, I've had this wireless issue on every network I've tried connecting to. Right now, I do not see the connection with getting a address and my wireless not working after a suspend. When I get the chance, I can also try an Ethernet connection and see if anything is different.
    "did"? Past tense. It appears from the data that you posted that your wifi connection is STILL to your hotspot. Present tense. If the issue persists on "every network" (ESSID?) your've tried then the problem is still with the wifi. After all, as you can plainly see in the data you posted, your PC's wireless transceiver is able to pick up several ESSID's from the surrounding area, so you PC is working correctly and so is the Network Manager. But, when you try to connect to any ESSID that you have the password for the wifi router's dhcpd can't deliver an IP address so your wireless transceiver hands you a 169 address. The possible reasons were previously posted.

    Your wireless router has "parm: bt_coex_active:enable wifi/bt co-exist (default: enable) (bool)" which enables its bluetooth. Do you use that?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Sorry if I wasn't clear. Right now I'm not connected to a hot spot, but when I posted the data I was connected to a hot spot. I just checked to see if I am still getting and I still am. So I guess my best option would be call my ISP? Or is there a way I can manually set it?


        Do you have a wifi router (not your iPhone) that you can log into and cofigure as a dhcpd? Your wifi manual will explain how. It involves using FireFox and logging into something like and using the name "admin" and password "admin" (which you will change later so no one can hijack your wifi using the factory default name and password. (BTW, that's just an example. Consult your wifi manual to see what the default name and password is.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Yeah I think I can do that. There isn't any away to do a manual set with konsole?


            Most wifi's have a reset button which will reset the wifi to a factory default. Most of the time the button is recessed in a small hole in back, sometimes it is protruding. It has to be pressed for at least 15 seconds to reset the wifi. Then you can use your browser to connect to the wifi without a password. The default ESSID will depend on the make and model of the wifi, but it will be the strongest signal you'll see in Network Manager and it will be shown as unlocked. Click on it and you will automatically make a connection. Then you can enter the admin IP address (the gateway address of the wifi) and you will be presented with the UI to the wifi where you can change the ESSID to a name you want, select the connection type (WPA2) and add a password. You can also open the admin tab in the browser and change the admin name and password to something you like. Don't make the password to connect to the ESSID the same as the admin password.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Unfortunately nothing seems to be working for me. I went into the wifi gateway, found my device, and changed the setting from having dhcp choose my IP to me setting it manually. I checked my wireless information and I still have IP4.ROUTE at However IP4.ADDRESS has changed to what I set it to in the gateway. These changes have also not affected my problem where the NetworkManager completely stops working after a suspend. I think my problem might just have to do with my hardware.

