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Laptop screen won't show desktop unless I plug in HDMI screen

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    Laptop screen won't show desktop unless I plug in HDMI screen

    Kubuntu 16.04,
    kded4 --version: 4.14.16
    kded5 --version: 5.23.0
    I don't know which version I'm actually using , but help-> about just gives me a text, no number under any of the tabs, and no, it's not under `KDE - Be Free`)
    Grub: 0.97-29ubuntu68

    What's happening is that when I boot my laptop, it shows me the login, but after login I only get a black screen, with a cursor that only moves vertically on the left side...
    I have to plug in a screen in the HDMI for the desktop to show, when I unplug it again it hides again.

    No matter if I enable or disable the second screen via Display Settings.

    What probably caused it is I had some issues and followed instructions to delete some files to reset settings somewhere in the `.kde4/` folder (although I only have a `kde/` folder, so i deleted it there)
    I don't remember what the issue was, or the command, but it was something like `rm /.kde/share/config/plasma-*` I just did that, assuming those files would be restored if they went missing, he sounded pretty confident that that should fix it.

    Other side effects were:
    - Panels I configged will occasionally not be restored/lost,
    - The bottom taskbar/panel on the 2nd hdmi screen will get switched with my primary one.
    - The shortcuts on my taskbar will have gone ( not launcher, the other one, I don't know what it's called anymore, because the option has suddenly disappeared from my context menu, I used to be able to create 'shortcuts' from the main menu, that didn't turn into the running application, sort of like the quickstart items on old windows ( Sorry if this just sounds weird or unclear but it just happened today, and it's one of those weird things that don't have a clear cause to me, I've had this screen-issue for a few weeks now, so this one just turned up today)
    - I can't connect to a LEAP wifi network anymore (with user/password) It also forgot all my wifi settings (is this related to Plasma?)
    - My keychain password didn't work anymore, I had to remove the keychain and make a new one.

    Main question is:
    How do I get those config files back? I tried installing a new version of plasma but that didn't help. I can't find any answers to restore config files.

    *Update: My laptop batteries ran out, and when I rebooted, I can't use the second screen anymore, only a mirror copy of my laptop screen. But I STILL have plug in the HDMI cable for my desktop to show up.
    Last edited by Guest; Jul 26, 2016, 04:55 AM. Reason: update